#065- TropicandaDiegoGuilherme on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/diegoguilherme/art/065-Tropicanda-802798628DiegoGuilherme

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#065- Tropicanda



(tropical + Miranda)

FAIRY type

Height: 1.6m - Weight: 36.2kg / Gender: 00% M - 100% F

Sweet Veil / Gluttony / Pixilate (hidden)

HP: 68 / ATQ: 65 / DEF: 65 / S.ATQ: 125 / S.DEF: 115 / SPD: 80.

Moveset: Disarming Voice, Magical Leaf, Sing, Sweet Scent.

"Tropicanda, the tropical Pokémon. This is the final evolution of a Fruttitti. They inhabit the flowering fields and the vast tropical forests of the region of Brasar. They have a calm and very cheerful behavior. They are always singing and dancing in the sunlight. They collect fruits in the middle of the forest, and collect them on their head. When they find weak or injured Pokémon, they use them to help them recover."

Inspiration: Its design is inspired by the singer and actress Carmen Miranda.
Image size
1000x1000px 344.32 KB
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