well, practically don't know what to type. end of story. LOL
Current Residence: Malang, Indonesia deviantWEAR sizing preference: medium maybe? Favourite genre of music: Anything I'd like to hear LOL Operating System: Windows 8.1 x64 MP3 player of choice: Zune Favourite cartoon character: Patrick Star :) Personal Quote: Don't make it hard whats already simple
Favourite Games
Can't pick just one LOL
Favourite Gaming Platform
Mostly PS 2 (I know its kinda old)
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS6, PrintScr, Win7bootUpdater
Other Interests
Photography, Music, Computer, Hanging out with fellas, Eat up!, Discover something new, and LOL laugh a lot!
Hey guys!Lately, I'm facing difficulties finding and/or making an apple-like "circle-loading animation" (like you can see in my Apple bootscreen animation) that contains 15 frames (gif file), what I found is always 12 frames, which my next bootscreen project needs 15 for a better results.. I'll be pleased If anyone can make or find one for me. Though I can only give nothing but name-credit in return..It's just my personal request anyway..
Have a nice day! :D