I am a young artist in Cambridge (the British one with all the old buildings, not the Massachusetts one). I am starting out in my career and DA is a good way of showing people prints I have available.
Current Residence: Cambridge
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Print preference: I'm both cheap and easy
Favourite genre of music: Lyrical ballady poetry stuff
Wallpaper of choice: Souls
Skin of choice: Zebra, probably
Furniture item from Versailles of choice: Daybed in the sun room
Favourite cartoon character: Samurai Jack
Personal Quote: That's not art. Sod off.
Favourite Visual Artist
Piet Mondrian vs Eugene Delacroix. Smackdown, now! Cezanne sneaks in at the last.
Favourite Movies
None. Film combusts in my presence
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The London Philharmonic playing the sailor's hornpipe
Favourite Books
Patrick O'Brien's sea novels
Favourite Writers
Robert Graves
Favourite Games
Road to Amber MUSH
Favourite Gaming Platform
My table, with paper and pencils
Tools of the Trade
Paint, brushes, rags, volatile substances, paper, charcoal, canvas, and no naked flames
Other Interests
Classical and modern art, fantasy, RPGs, MUSHing