DiamondHour on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/diamondhour/art/Nabooru-728095816DiamondHour

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Edit: Made some super minor adjustments that probably aren't noticeable to casual viewing, but they were bothering me anyway =P (Razz) 

Update: Made some slight modifications to hopefully make her posture and expression for appealing :)

Nabooru is one of my favorite characters from Ocarina of Time, so I was really looking forward to drawing her. I played around with different faces and expressions, and in the end decided not to go full pointy nose with her.

Quite a few comments mentioned that Nabooru's original outfit is already quite skimpy so there isn't any other way to "improve" upon it. I took that as a challenge and gave her something eve more daring. If you like those pants from the front, imagine how it looks in the back. :D (Big Grin)

What do you think of my take on Nabooru? Or her new outfit?
Always appreciate any comments or critiques! :happybounce: :happybounce: 
Please also check out my poll to vote on what other Legend of Zelda ladies should be included.

Here are some other ladies I've done already:
  Princess Ruto by DiamondHour Saria by DiamondHour Princess Zelda by DiamondHour Sheik by DiamondHour Tetra by DiamondHour Lana by DiamondHour
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2400x3600px 2.59 MB
© 2018 - 2024 DiamondHour
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bloodskull93's avatar

Hot damn she is so sexy ❤️