MLP [Next Gen] Diamant Bio (New Design)Diamant-AS on DeviantArt

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MLP [Next Gen] Diamant Bio (New Design)


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  • This forn is only aviable for the age of 16 until Shadow Child Event!
  • Her left version is her detail version, not my Ponysona version, by the way, please don't draw Diamant ponysona, I hate it, she is so ugly, and don't take this detail version as a ponysona, it's just her NG version when I draw in a detail way.
  • I will upload her new evolution bio soon, when I will have time.

Biography :

Name : Diamant

Last Name :

Nickname : Diams, Dia, Didi (Only Ice Light), Princess (Mostly Shadow),My Little Baby Sister (only Princess Flurry Heart ), your Highness (Other), Empress D (Firstly by Kail, then by all her employee after 18 years old)

Species :
 Unicorn of Cristal (Present) , Alicorn (After 18 years)

Gender :

Sexuality :

Age : 

Birthday : 14/09

: Empress Cadance (Mother), Emperor Shining Armor (Father)

Siblings :
 Princess Flurry Heart (Big Sister), Prince Shiny Star (Little Brother), Princess Star Shine (Adoptive Big Sister)

Family Members :
Mother’s Side : Princess Kingsley (Great Grandmother, Dead), Prince Crystal Armor (Great Grandfather, Dead), Princess Amore (Grandmother, Spirit), Crystal Symphony (Grandfather, Dead), Princess Abacus Cinch (Aunt, Banned),
Father’s Side : Twilight Velvet (Grandmother), Night Light (Grandfather), Queen Twilight Sparkle (Aunt), King Flash Sentry (Uncle), Regalia Sparkle (Cousin), Victoria Sparkle (Cousin), Nova Light Sparkle (Cousin), Storm Sentry (Cousin), Elena Sentry (Cousin), Twiliss Star (Distant Aunt), Night Day Breaker (Distant Uncle), Paillette (Distant Cousin), Étoile (Distant Cousin)

Future Children (not born yet) : Princess Diamond HeartPrincess Dream Light

Friend Ever : Princess Elza

 King Ice Light

Place of Birth :
 Crystal Empire (Castle)

Place of Residence : Crystal Empire (Castle)

Occupation :

School : Crystal Academy (Crystal Empire) →Cadiance (Class)

Royal Title : Princess of Crystal (Princess of Harmony of Equestria and Beyond, after 20 years)

Element of 
Crystal : Element of Power / Powerful 

Likes :
 Drawing, Reading, Studying, Doing Magic Stuff, Spend Time with her friends and family, Jewels espacially Crown, Crystal, Sing and Play Piano with Aurora (she is a bit shy, so she only sing with Aurora), Flying

Dislikes: Sport especially Running, Sweeter Swirls and her henchmen (Slowly becoming friends), Cherry Light (They will become friend [Story Coming Soon]), Lie, Be left behind and Rejected, Evil Poeple, Spider, Being called "The Princess of Power" whils she is The Princess of Crystal

Talent/Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark represents her talent in magic and her powerful. The diamond represents the magic of crystal that the magic that only Diamant can use, and that is made of the magic of friendship and magic of love. The purple star represents the magic of friendship and the small white stars represent her loved ones and therefore the magic of love. The wings represent the first spell (the Galactic Wings) that Diamant created. She is very talented in magic but also in art and music.

Magic Powerful :
 24A (check here : MLP Story [Next Gen] Magic Scale)

Magic :

Intelligence : 100/100

Strength : 90/100

Cutie Mark : MLP [Next Gen] Diamant New Cutie Mark

Other Bio:  Detailed New Diamant  / MLP [Next Gen] Diamant Bio (New Design) / Simple Bio / 

diamant EG by Diamant-AS

Story :

Personality: Diamant is a very kind and caring pony. She likes to help others and feel useful. She is very intelligent and knows everything there is to know about magic and especially friendship magic, in fact she has invented many spells and is twice as powerful as any alicorn. She is like her aunt Twilight, very organised and easily stressed. Moreover, faced with the permanent pressure of her title, Diamant always behaves in the most perfect way and expresses her feelings very little, which makes it very difficult for her to let go and imposes a permanent control on herself. Diamant therefore always needs to be in control of her actions and her image. She is stubborn, combative and never gives up, especially when it comes to fighting for her loved ones! However, she has a huge block with love and on this subject she is the opposite of her family. She thought that love was useless and that one was better off alone. Fortunately, Diamant met a pony called Ice Light who made her realise that harmony and crystal magic are not the magic of friendship alone but the magic of love and friendship together. She was able to understand that love is also important.

Baby-Toddler Years : 
Diamant was born in a rather ordinary way, she was not an alicorn like her big sister so her parents were reassured, their daughter seemed to be a normal little unicorn. Only a few minutes after her birth, when Diamant used her magic for the very first time, her magical aura changed dramatically in colour from turquoise blue to purple. Cadance and Shining Armor were astonished and a little panicked, they had Diamant examined, and she was perfectly healthy, none of the doctors understood why her aura had changed colour, it was a real mystery. A year later her parents adopted Princess Star Shine, a young fairy wing with no family, the last of her kind, whom Cadance had decided to take in after one of her servants brought her to her. Diamant became very close to Star Shine, and was the only person Star  was nice to, but that didn't stop her from staying very close to her big sister Flurry Heart. Diamant made a promise to Star Shine to save her kingdom and her parents when she was older.

Filly Years :
 At the age of 6 and a half, Diamant received her cutie mark by inventing a spell called "Galactic Wings", inspired by 3 ancient amulets that allowed flight and that came from an old lost empire [Explanation here: MLP [NG:FIP] (GIF) Galactic Wings Spell ( I move)]. After that day, Diamant studied all kinds of magic, and excelled in all of them, even spending a term in her aunt Twilight's school of magic. In her primary school, Diamant met a young colt named Kail, the two children became very close and were inseparable. Even though Kail had a complicated family situation that caused them to move around lot and Diamant's other friends didn't like him, she didn't care and really enjoyed spending time with him. In fact, Kail had a crush on the young unicorn and secretly dreamed of going out with her. When Diamant was 8 years old, her sister Flurry Heart decided to refuse her role as Crown Princess of the Crystal Empire, making Diamant the next ruler of the empire. At first she was anxious and afraid she wouldn't be able to live up to the challenge, but thanks to Kail, she managed to find the strength within herself to do so and realised that it was her destiny to lead the empire. Unfortunately Kail was forced to move and Diamant lost all contact with him which affected her greatly. That same year, Cadance gave birth to a new child, and Diamant had a brother named Shiny Star, this new birth lifted her spirits and almost made her forget her sadness.

Teen Years : 
For the next six years, Diamant studied everything there is to know about friendship, gems and royal protocol. She created many new spells that only she could use, which surprised her magic teachers and other connoisseurs. She also made a lot of friends, especially during a summer camp where she met Princess Aurora and Princess Sweeter Swirls, although she neglected and forgot about Sweeter Swirls, which caused her some trouble later on. When Diamant was 14 years old, she was walking through the streets of the Crystal Empire when she collided with a pegasus named Ice Light. Two weeks later, during a race with Star Shine, Diamant felt ill, and when she fell, Star , too absorbed in the race, did not notice. Fortunately, the same pegasus was quietly in his garden when he saw the young unicorn and came to her aid. He took care of her until she woke up, then when she opened her eyes, Ice immediately recognised the eyes of the mare he had hit two weeks earlier. Once Diamant was out of the woods, she kept in touch with Ice Light who became her best friend and confidant. Ice Light developed feelings for Diamant but didn't understand it right away. When he realized how he felt about his friend, he felt bad, he knew that Diamant found love ridiculous, so he decided to keep his feelings a secret and only told his best friend Teo. A year later, Diamant entered the "Twilint" class with some of her friends, at the Crystal Academy, the school that Princess Cadance had founded to train the future important ponies of the world. [explanation here: MLP [Next Gen] Cadiance]

Present :
 The following year Diamant turned 16 and returned to Cadiance, the class her mother ran. She and her friends found the Crystal Elements [explanation here: MLP [Next Gen] The Old Elements of Crystaland used them to defeat Nightmare Hope (an evil version of Radiant Hope) and the King of the Inverses [Story Coming soon], Shadow, with whom Diamant became friends. A few months later, Ice Light finally confessed his feelings to his friend, pushed by Teo. Diamant was terrified and asked her to give him time to think. However, she barely had time to think about it when the Crystal Empire was attacked by a new enemy, the Shadow Child, a young colt invaded by the dark magic of King Sombra. The Shadow Child launched an attack in the middle of the Crystal Fair and managed to turn all the ponies into crystal status. During the battle, Ice Light sacrificed herself to protect Diamant from being shot. Maddened by the scene in which she was the last one standing, she felt an immense power come over her and cast the most powerful spell ever on the shadow child. A second after her spell was over, Diamant collapsed from exhaustion but was caught by a mysterious unicorn who turned out to be Ice Light who had radically changed his appearance as a result of the spell he had received. Diamant woke up 6 days later and didn't recognise her friend, she asked her mother what had happened and Cadance replied that she had cast a spell so powerful that it had cleansed the young foal of all dark magic. Her mother also explained about Ice Light, she said that no one understood why he was the only one who had changed his appearance. Diamant felt guilty and ashamed, she knew she had to answer him but she couldn't bring herself to do it, it was too hard. She finally went to see Ice because she owed him an explanation after all. She explained her feelings and what she thought about love, she then asked if they could remain friends and Ice, like the gentlepony he is, agreed and for love of Dia, he swallowed his feelings. By the way Dia just decided to change her hair style, because she felt guilty about what was happened to her friend, and she couldn't see her face in a mirror so she changed it. At the same time, Diamant thought long and hard about her spell, which she called "The Legendary Spell", and about the fact that her magical power had doubled. She realised that she was not using the same magic as normal unicorns, but that she was using a new, more powerful kind of magic that only she could master, which is why her magical aura had changed colour when she was born. She called this new magic 'Crystal Magic'. Diamant was thus declared "the only crystal unicorn and the embodiment of powerful". However, even though Diamant possessed twice as much power as the alicorns, she did not dare to use all her power because she was afraid of not being able to control it and of hurting her friends and family. She was afraid of losing control. A few months later, one of her old acquaintances returned: Kail. He was jealous of the strong relationship between Ice Light and Diamant because he always found something for Diamant. He tried to break the friendship between Diamant and Ice Light but when he saw that it didn't work, he attacked Ice and then Diamant. To punish him for this betrayal Cadance sent him to Tartarus. This event made Ice think a lot about his feelings for Diamant, which had never really disappeared. He confessed again that he still loved her and that he could not continue to be friends with her if she did not love him back because it hurt too much to repress his emotions. Diamand was at a total loss as to what to do with this revelation and sought advice from her sister, Flurry Heart, and with her help, came to understand that what she felt for Ice was not friendship but more than that, it was love. After telling her, they started dating and became a perfect couple. A few weeks later, the young princess also had to face Diamond alone; she sent her to the prison of Tartarus. She reconciled with an old friend, Sweeter Swirls, who resented her for forgetting her even once in the same class. She also met Black Shadow, the secret son of King Sombra who, forced by his father, turned all the crystal ponies into stone, including Diamant, and she was saved by the love of Black Shadow and her best friend Elza. Diamant also decided to forgive Kail after being called on a mission of friendship with him, and she later brought him into the Crystal Academy. She also had a complicated relationship with a pony named Cherry Light, who hated Diamant for some reason, and gave Diamant a hard time, but fortunately she had the support of her friends. (present)

Young Adult: 
Afterwards, Diamant continued her studies at the Crystal Academy and also helped restore old kingdoms such as the Legendary Kingdom and the Shimmering Kingdom. She also reconciled with Cherry Light, who for two years had been conspiring with an evil force to destroy Diamant, but when they became friends, Cherry Light stopped her mission. A few weeks before his final graduation and two weeks before her 18th birthday, Diamant and her friends confronted Draguo, the Shadow Draconequus, and saved the Crystal Empire with a new power of the crystal elements, called "Crystal Power". Diamant graduated from the Crystal Academy with high honours, having achieved the highest score in each of the four-year tests. A few weeks after her 18th birthday, Diamant was crowned Princess of the Crystal Empire and transformed by her mother into an alicorn before the astonished eyes of her family and the entire Crystal Empire. She also saved the Kingdoms of the Magic Pegasus with her friend Star Shine[Explanation here: MLP [Next Gen] Star Shine (redesign)] Two years later, her aunt, Princess Twilight, decided to name Diamant "Princess of Harmony in Equestria and Beyond", a role Diamant found difficult to accept as she felt she was not fit to be the princess of so many realms. Within hours of hearing the news, Diamant had to confront King Sombra, who had always terrified her. But thanks to Ice Light and her friends, Diamant managed to overcome her fear and give King Sombra a second chance. Twilight understood that she had to give her niece time. However, during the last 4 years. Her greatest and most dangerous enemy, Diamond, conspired against her to take revenge. She managed to escape from Tartarus, gather a new army of Inverses and infiltrate a double agent among Diamant's relatives for two years. In the final battle, Diamant used every last bit of her magic against her enemy, and teleported with Diamond into limbo to finish her off once and for all. And seeing the friendship and love of her loved ones and all the people of Equestria, she overcame her fears and cast a legendary alpha spell (legendary spell at maximum power). Once back in the Empire, Diamand gained a bright white shading in her mane. And purified all the inverses allowing them to reveal their true nature with a new spell. Diamant was finally crowned "Princess of Harmony". At the age of 22, Diamant was sent to the future of Equestria where she saw a world without magic and where friendship had disappeared. However, Diamant was not there to solve Equestria's problems but those of the Crystal Empire. After solving the problems, Diamant, who thought she had failed in her mission to spread harmony, took the opportunity to learn more about why magic had disappeared. She learned that harmony had not disappeared because of her but because of her heir, and that the magic was hidden in three crystals representing the three species of ponies.

Adult Life:
 The next 6 years were more or less quiet. Diamant kept her faith in friendship and love because that is the true meaning of harmony. At the age of 26 she married Ice Light and 4 years later she gave birth to her first daughter, whom Ice Light named "Diamond Heart" in honour of the 2 greatest princesses of the crystal empire, namely Diamant and Flurry Heart.Then when Diamant was 32 she had a second daughter with Ice, whom she named Dream Light. Diamant eventually lived happily with her husband and daughters, not to mention her friends and family, while continuing her role as Princess of Harmony and Crystal.

G5 Life: 
As an alicorn, Diamant is immortal, so she has had a very long life. Even if her first century was very happy, due to her immortality, Diamant lost many close ones like her husband, her cousins and many others. Diamant then sank little by little into her sadness and anger. Even though she is old, Diamant keeps an important place in the political life of the country and the world, even if she doesn't rule the Crystal Empire anymore, she is still an honorary royal member and watches a lot the actions of the current leader. Furthermore, she is still the Princess of Harmony and is still doing a great job. She even led Equestria for a few years and thus raised the sun and the moon. During this time, Diamant grew a lot and reached the same size as the Princesses Celestia and Twilight. Her hair, which had been a bright white gradient since she was 20, started to have a darker streak, exactly like the color of her hair before 20. Moreover these eyes also became darker because of the pain that Diamant was ravaging. But Diamant started to get bored with power and wanted to retire from the political life of the world for good. However, to do so, she had to find an heir to take over her mantle and become the new prince or princess of harmony in the world. Diamant therefore organized a great magic contest for all the unicorns of Equestria and beyond. The winner of the contest would become the apprentice of the princess and take over her mission. The winner of the contest was a 12 year old unicorn named Astral Luminous Star. She was very powerful and promising. For the next 10 years Astral studied with the princess, and Diamant gave her a final test to measure her worth. The test was to create an artifact to enhance Equestia. Astral created 3 crystals that would replicate Diamant's Galactic Wings spell, but also create a magical horn. When Astral presented her project, Diamant immediately recognized the crystals she had seen in her youth and understood that Astral could not become the princess of harmony or Equestria would be destroyed. Then she had no choice but to coldly send Astral away, destroying the young unicorn's hopes and life. After that day, Diamant abandoned the search, devastated by the loss of yet another person. However, 100 years later, urged on by her aunt, Diamant reorganized a magic contest. Two unicorns were selected for the finals. Two friends named Luster Heart and Lullaby Moonlight. The two unicorns were to compete in a magical duel, but during the fight, Lullaby used a magical amulet to boost her power and win. However, Diamant realized that she was cheating and disqualified Lullaby and took Luster under her wing. Luster who was a brilliant student ended up being transformed into an alicorn. But only Astral returned to exact her revenge. With Lullaby's help, Astral captured Diamant and in a final epic battle, Astral and Diamant were both transformed into status. Luster Devastated had no choice but to take up the mantle of her teacher. Years passed and the alicorns mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth. However, when magic was restored to Equestria, the spell that sealed Astral and Diamant in stone disappeared, and the two ponygirls were free. Diamant and Astral understood the situation and made up, after all they were both stuck in the future without knowing what had happened so it was best to stick together. Diamant and Astralmet Sunny and her friends, and lived in Zephyr Heights Palace for a while. But Diamant was getting worse and worse, she was feeling sad and lonely, everyone treated her like a living legend, admired her and asked her for a lot of things. But what irritated Diamant the most was when the ponies called her "princess". She couldn't stand being called a princess anymore because she felt that she had no legitimacy in this future. Diamant spent her days in the ruins of the palace, and had increasingly darker ideas, she only wanted to leave like all her relatives, she wanted to join the other alicorns and their memory was extremely painful. It was then that a nameless spirit began to speak to Diamant, she said that she had been created by the magic of the nine primary alicorns when she had left Equestria. The spirit tried to resonate with Diamant as she moved closer and closer to her dark side. Weeks passed and the spirit was still there, but Diamant didn't care. Harassed by his dark side, Diamant broke down and let the darkness take over. But luckily the spirit with the help of Astral and Diamant's loved ones in spirit form, namely Ice Light, reasoned with Diamant and he was a gift to the spirit. Diamant gave him half of her body so that the spirit could live a normal life in turn. She also gave her a name and named her "Summer Rose". Summer took over Diamant's mission and Diamant was able to live with her loved ones in the spirit world.
[This version can be modified to fit the G5.]

Base :

:iconelementbases: MLP Base 308

This Next Gen only belong to me :icondiamant-as: / :iconstormsentry-as:

I hope you like it !!!

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