Indydiablo2003 on DeviantArt

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The documentary Drew Struzan:The Man Behind the Poster is showing on Netflix right now and it got me on a Struzan kick so I drew this up completely traditionally using Prismacolor pencil and a little white ink on a 17X25" piece of Strathmore tonal paper. Sometimes I see a technique by another artist and I just have to try out out myself to see if I can do it.

hope you dig!

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832x1200px 656.3 KB
© 2014 - 2025 diablo2003
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RadiiCalEngineering's avatar

I see that you posted this years ago but I'm always searching Indiana Jones art. It always elicits some feeling of an adventure discovery. I just wanted to tell you this looks amazing! I had to google Struzan and prismacolor to understand your post and this is incredible work with those pencils. How long did this take and did you start with figure sketching basic shapes for the anatomy?