Vector Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare MoonDeyrasD on DeviantArt

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DeyrasD's avatar

Vector Twilight Sparkle and Nightmare Moon



It's my vector shows Twilight Sparkle with cup of wine and Nightmare Moon behind the throne that wants taste ... fresh bloo... ykhm... wine :) 

This vector is reference to computer game "The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine".

This vector is base on this sketch -…

hanks you very much 
:iconsallemcat: (The author of sketch) and
:iconkysss90: and

You are awesome!!!
Thanks boys!

Time work:
~15h vector
Software - Inkscape
Image size
6323x5657px 6.41 MB
© 2018 - 2025 DeyrasD
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SPIDIvonMARDER's avatar
Wiadomo, że szkic tutaj była bardzo pomocny, ale za to warto docenić perfekcyjne wypełnienie.