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Veil - Power Up



A picture of Veil from Pulseman I drew for *tavington's Video Game Villains collab. You can find the finished project here; [link]

Figured that I hadn't uploaded ANY art of Pulseman related stuff.... which is STUPID because I love Pulseman.. ._. In any case, these two (the other being Waruyama) seemed like good ones to upload! XD (I meant to a long time ago, woops!!)
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468x814px 299.23 KB
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Lady-Bluestreak's avatar
Aw sweet! I love Pulseman. SEGA should really revive this franchise if possible (Or since Gamefreak made it and they're owned by Nintendo now, I guess that technically makes a Nintendo character now). If SEGA has the rights, they should, although I'm afraid they'd ruin it though.