Project 5x5: Demi-Homosexual FlagDexinDraws on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

DexinDraws's avatar

Project 5x5: Demi-Homosexual Flag



Shooting Star (Right) FLAG INFO Shooting Star

Flag Meaning?
This flag represents people who are Demi-homosexual (or Demsexual Homo-romantic if you'd prefer). This is when a person is attracted to people of the same gender, but does not experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection with that person. The mostly gray strips with small triangle of rainbow stripes signify the lack of sexual attraction except for when this emotional connection is present.

What is Project 5x5?
Please refer to this journal for all the details on this project.
Image size
450x300px 2.59 KB
ยฉ 2019 - 2025 DexinDraws
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