Biting Cold of a Stubborn HeartDevinian on DeviantArt

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Biting Cold of a Stubborn Heart



I know, I'm kinda late with this one. Still, the episode is worth reminding of. Hearth's Warming Tail was our mandatory "Scrooge episode" that every self-respecting TV show requires. To me it's some sort of Show's rite of passage and they did an excellent job keeping it entirely in pony lore. Starlight in the role of Snowfall Frost just grabbed me by the heart.
Lately I didn't have a chance to paint any winter scenery, so this was as good an excuse as any. Playing around with lights and shadows is more satisfying when the snow is involved.
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ilvbrownies's avatar

I need a good ponified version of "Bah, Humbug" for a fanfic I'm writing. Any ideas?