i miss you..devils-horizon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/devils-horizon/art/i-miss-you-104336614devils-horizon

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

December 21, 2008
From the suggester: Whether torn from conflict or brought together through love, I can never say it with enough words, but *devils-horizon has certainly brought my thoughts one step closer. Everything happens for a reason. If it's not okay now, it will be okay in the end. i miss you.. by *devils-horizon
Featured by arhcamt
Suggested by simonsaz3
devils-horizon's avatar

i miss you..




_____i miss you..
"if only you could see, just how much this is killing me, maybe you would be kind not cruel and see just how you've been treating me. if i pray then maybe one day it will be okay and you and me will be just as happy as we always intended to be..."

All words and text in this piece were written by my own hand (thought you could probably tell cause it's so crap!)
This is what really happened between my best friend and I. It's not the full story, I'm not quite ready to divulge that much information yet.
I miss her, Christmas time sucks without her :cries:
i don't think she would feel the same way though, she seems to be having a tremendous time fucking with my emotions!

- - - - -
Typography and Design copyrighted to devils-horizon aka. Vicki Clarke 2008.
Do not use without prior written permission!

*// butterfly textures no longer on the internet
Idea Inspiration: i hate you - no. 1 || i hate you - no. 2

:bulletblack: :bulletpink: Fonts Used:
Times New Roman
Minion Pro

:bulletpink: D A I L Y D E V I A T I O N :bulletpink: :bulletpink: :bulletpink:
21st December 2008
Thank you so so very much for this award, not only have I been totally blown away by how many people have favved this work, but by the amount of comments that have flooded my inbox. I cannot begin to thank everyone for this, I was completely stunned when the fav marker went over 1000 but now I'm even more amazed as the favs keep coming.
Thank you xx
Image size
900x700px 717.27 KB
© 2008 - 2025 devils-horizon
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Julzette's avatar

This is hauntingly beautiful powerful work