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santa baby



my santa baby :aww:


alex of course - 13 months

this may be my holiday card this year. :nod: he's getting harder and harder to photograph b/c he's wanting to be so independent and challenging. :| i had him with a giant red candy cane stick but once he threw it on the tile floor and saw how it broke, he found it much more fun to throw it and break it on the floor than put it in his mouth. :shrug: :| :lol: but he lets me get a little here and there. ;)

he's got such a sweet baby face profile still :aww: in no time he'll lose the look of "baby" altogether :cries: so i'm happy to get a sweet :aww: baby like image this year. :floating: and the hat was perfect. :D

i'll post the original image in scraps tomorrow night - i cropped this for a compostion for a card i'd like. i also might post a black and white (not this image but from this shoot) we're considering too.

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