I'm a freelance artist from Brazil. I was born in 1981.
I started drawing at an early age. Before I was 10, although most of my drawings were clothes design, I already had a fascination with eyes and I drew them everywhere. While I lived in France, at the age of 13, it became more than just clothes and eyes. I started to experiment with different things and most of my early work is a mix of everything I tried, from portraits to scenery.
I have been playing with digital art since 2003. Photoshop became more familiar to me than pencil and paper. I started painting with oils and watercolors and I found a whole new side of what I can do in art: photography. I also fell in love with calligraphy and have been devoted to it. Now what I love to do is a mix of all those things.
I used to think I was all over the place but... I enjoy this mix of art styles in my head.
The constant need to learn and create drives me to experiment more and more.