No, I haven't forgotten about my profile, nor have I forgotten about all of you. I feel like a horrible friend for not checking in or whatnot, I do feel ashamed because of it, but there ya go. All I can do is give all of you my sincerest apologies for dropping of the map, as it were. It's been a hard 8 (?) years or so, depression, therapies, daughter going through extremely hard times and eventually (and/or finally) getting diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), so again lots of therapy. Add to that a brother with dementia who died a few months after I took over the care for him from my mom, he was in a nursing home, but you still have to be hands on as family. So then you have to get all that sorted out, then I had to arrange for my mom to come to live closer by, and I have her care on my hands now also (all of that (nursing home, death, moving closer by) actually happened within half a year or so), and I think in the past 8 years I gradually lost a part of who I am, or so it