hydroxygen iconsetdeviantdark on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deviantdark/art/hydroxygen-iconset-100826865deviantdark

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hydroxygen iconset

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subject: gnome iconset
software: unknown + the GIMP

This is the best I could have ever made.
A full iconset for gnome desktops [windows or mac users won't be able to install it].
I also included a script which lets you modify the colours and the aspect of many icons, like folders ones, apps, buttons, etc.

This is not a complete artwork made from me.
It's a little artwork made by me, and the rest is a collectwork.

This work is released under a CCGNU/GPL License.


Download the .zip file and extract if into your desktop.
Then drag&drop the .tar.gz file into the Themes window to install the iconset.
Further instructions [related to the script modifications] included within the .zip and the tar.gz file.

The iconset is 70+MB weight.


· 19 gen 2008: fixed rhythmbox01 bug; added folder-linux; changed folder-txt; added akonadi icon; added new default evolution icon.
· 18 gen 2008: fixed brown folders bug;
inverted evolution icons; added drives for windows disk and macos disk; added new customization script entries for fusion icon, rhythmbox and emesene; added new icon for checkgmail; changed battery charging icons; changed iconset license.
· 25 dic 2008: changed recent documents and system search icons; fixed some stock icon; added icons and script instructions for digikam and solfege.
· 17 dic 2008: changed cd icons on all stuffs [mimetypes and devices]; changed real player mimetypes; added comix icon; changed .exe, makefile, script and other mimetypes.
· 11 dic 2008: fixed a script bug; changed icons for audacious in traybar; added icon for wicd.
· 06 dic 2008: changed internet emblem for all instances [again!]; added new openoffice.org icons and script instructions to set them up; changed icons for gparted, calculator and gnomad2; added icon for sound recorder and application-octet-stream.
· 05 dic 2008: changed internet emblem for all instances; changed and added several mimetypes; changed gftp and google earth icons.
· 04 dic 2008: added different user-trash icons [customizable via script]; changed icons for vlc, document-send, add-folder-to-archive, add-files-to-archive, gnome-mime-application-x-archive; added new firefox icon; added icons for crossover, autopackage-manager-gtk, kbruch and wine related.
· 01 dic 2008: changed icons for audio-muted; added icons for rhythmbox righ menu; added music catalog, repeat and shuffle icons; added anarchy distributor logo.
· 29 nov 2008: changed icon for dvd95; added icons for amule, v for vendetta distributor logo, backup hard disk, audio hard disk, several distros hard disk.
· 20 nov 2008: added icons for: emerald, emerald mimetypes, beryl-manager, aptoncd, openoffice3 suite and sunbird; changed icons for amarok; added several emblem icons; changed default folders' icons into black; removed script instructions to customize openoffice.org icons.
· 12 nov 2008: changed icons for: evolution, gnome-fs-bookmarks, gnome-panel-force-quit, gnome-network-preferences, help, preferences-desktop-theme and applications-internet, web-browser, document-send, added folders' icons with ubuntu and wallpapers overlaying elements.
· 04 nov 2008: changed openoffice icons and added script instructions to customize them, changed icons for: office, system monitor, system-software-update, software-properties, gnome-nettool, gparted and sound-juicer, added icon for thunar file manager.
· 04 nov 2008: added script instructions to edit volume icons and edit/find icons, added icons for cgoban, aptana, gambas2, added distributor logo for foresight, ubuntustudio and poseidon linux, changed gnomebacker icon.
· 01 nov 2008: fixed non-changing colour games' folder, removed "folder-yellow" duplicates, removed fella and 3crescent distributor logos, added italian language instructions [available into the before installing please READ txt file], changed: edit/edit-find icons, gconf-editor icons, media-dvd icons.
· 29 oct 2008: changed volume icons and gimp one, removed desktop overlay element.
· 25 oct 2008: added icons for folder-games, mame [gxmame] and linuxdcpp. changed icons for emesene.
· 22 oct 2008: added new wireless signal status icons, new minimal navigation arrows and 2 new distributor-logos.
· 18 oct 2008: added folders icons for: dock icons, virtualbox sharing, mail, scripts, neverwinter nights, fonts. Changed some other icons and removed some unnecessary ones.
· 16 oct 2008 :added icons for wireless network manager status.
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