191 - SunkernDevi-Tiger on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/devi-tiger/art/191-Sunkern-396290781Devi-Tiger

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191 - Sunkern



Species: Seed Pokemon
Type: Grass
Ability: Chlorophyll / Solar Power / Early Bird
Height: 1' / 0.3m
Weight: 4Ibs / 1.8kg

Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Sprite

Sunkern are small, seed-like Pokémon that resembles a sunflower seed. They have black, oval shaped eyes (although in some official depictions it has blue eyes) with a sprout coming out the of their yellow/black bodies. Sunkern's entire life is centered around its evolution into a Sunflora. It moves as little as possible, trying to preserve the energy and nutrients it requires for the evolution process. According to the Pokédex, Sunkern's diet is said only to be morning dew, which collects under the leaves of plants beneath it.

It is very weak. If attacked by a Spearow, its only means of defense is to shake its leaves desperately at its attacker.
It can suddenly falls out of the sky in the morning. A year after a cold summer, their population explodes.

Pattern made by :iconmakibird-stitching: and can be found here: www.birdiestitching.com/?s=sun…

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo

If you like Pokemon, check out some of my other sprites:
185 - Sudowoodo by Devi-Tiger 186 - Politoed by Devi-Tiger 192 - Sunflora by Devi-Tiger 196 - Espeon by Devi-Tiger
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2485x2400px 3.47 MB
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