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158 - Totodile



Species: Big Jaw Pokemon
Type: Water
Ability: Torrent, Sheer Force
Height: 2' / 0.6m
Weight: 20.9Ibs / 9.5kg

Black/White Sprite

Totodile is a small Pokémon that appear as bipedal crocodiles. While most of a Totodile's body is blue, they have a yellow, v-shaped marking across their chest, red eyes, and red spikes that go down its back to its tail. These Pokémon are well known for their large mouths, filled with razor sharp teeth. Totodile are very energetic, cheerful and rowdy, and occasionally can be seen running through swampy areas, biting and chomping anything that catches its attention.

Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. It won't hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. Even its trainer must be careful. Turning your back on it is not recommended.…

Pattern made by :iconmakibird-stitching: and can be found here:…

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo

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156 - Quilava by Devi-Tiger157 - Typhlosion by Devi-Tiger 159 - Croconaw by Devi-Tiger163 - Hoothoot by Devi-Tiger
Image size
2915x2465px 4.71 MB
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