089 - MukDevi-Tiger on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/devi-tiger/art/089-Muk-403890872Devi-Tiger

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089 - Muk



Species: Sludge Pokemon
Type: Poison
Ability: Stench, Sticky Hold, Poison Touch
Height: 3'11" / 1.2m
Weight: 66.1Ibs / 30kg

FireRed/LeafGreen Sprite

Muk is a large purple mass of sludge, toxic fluids, and other filthy materials. It has two large arms that capture prey and its eyes are barely visible through the sludge.

Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge, its body is made of a powerful poison. It is usually undetectable because it blends in with the ground, but touching it accidentally can cause terrible poisoning, and will cause a fever that requires bed rest. It is so toxic, that as it moves, a very strong poison leaks from its footprints, making the ground there barren for three years. The fluid instantly kills plants and trees on contact. Just one drop of this Pokémon's body fluid can also turn a pool stagnant and rancid.

This Pokémon's favourite food is anything that is repugnantly filthy. In dirty towns where people think nothing of throwing away litter on the streets, Muk are certain to gather. From Muk's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. It smells so awful, it can cause fainting. It prefers warm and humid habitats. In the summertime, the toxic substances in its body intensify, making Muk reek like putrid kitchen garbage. They love to gather in smelly areas where sludge accumulates, making the stench around them worse. Thankfully for Muk, it lost its sense of smell through degeneration.

Pattern made by :iconmakibird-stitching: and can be found here: www.birdiestitching.com/?s=muk…

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo

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SharpEyLogic's avatar
He kinda looks like he's praying to god (likely Arceus) or something