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Connor and Hank



When I posted something on this pair, people misunderstood the love I wanted to express between them.
One part said that they (Connor and Hank) were "just friends", thereby devaluing the importance of friendly love and extolling romantic/sexual love above friendship, while another part of people said that they did not see Connor and Hank as a love couple because this is disgusting for them, because "they are like a father and son", which means that they cannot have strong and deep feelings for each other. But let's not categorize and better understand the question of what love is, and why I think that androids are asexual and aromantic in general, but this does not prevent them from building tender and loving relationships with people and each others.

It's lucky to be asexual & aromantic. We have the opportunity to experience deep, loving, intimate, emotional bond with people. We have the chance to experience love that does not rely on a preexisting narrative and script for its survival. We can be caring, tender, affectionate people all the time, in a variety of different relationships, instead of sometimes in only one relationship. We can find out what LOVE really is, beyond the smoke screen of romantic and physical attraction.

"Aromanticism has the power to create a more loving society through deep, emotional, loving friendship, a healthy society where needs for touch, connection, support, and companionship are more easily and consistently met through the process of deromanticizing and desexualizing those things. 
Friendship, not monogamous romantic sexual relationships, is what builds strong communities. Friendship, not the 20th century creation of the isolated nuclear family built on one rom. sex. relat., is what supported the survival of this species for thousands of years.Romance supremacy cannot exist in a truly community-based society. Romantic love narratives have existed throughout world history, but the romantic couple as a self-contained, superior, universe of two that can and should operate independently of others is a modern invention. A white invention. A Western/American invention. An invention of the heterosexual domestic environment. The glorification of romantic relationships is the devaluation of friendship and the destruction of community."

Original article here (not mine):

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