Watch Shop


Endpoint Description
/browse/dailydeviations Browse daily deviations
/browse/deviantsyouwatch Get deviations of deviants you watch
/browse/home Browse homepage
/browse/morelikethis/preview Fetch More Like This preview result for a seed deviation
/browse/tags Browse a tag
/browse/tags/search Autocomplete tags
/browse/topic Fetch topic deviations
/browse/topics Fetch topics and deviations from each topic
/browse/toptopics Fetch top topics with example deviation for each one


Endpoint Description
/collections/{folderid} Fetch collection folder contents
/collections/all All deviations in user's collection
/collections/fave Add deviation to favourites
/collections/folders Fetch collection folders
/collections/folders/copy_deviations Copy a list of deviations to a folder destination
/collections/folders/create Create new collection folder
/collections/folders/move_deviations Copy a list of deviations to a folder destination
/collections/folders/remove/{folderid} Delete collection folder
/collections/folders/remove_deviations Remove a list of deviations from a gallery folder
/collections/folders/update_deviation_order Update order of deviation in folder
/collections/folders/update_order Rearrange the position of folders
/collections/unfave Remove deviation from favourites


Endpoint Description
/comments/{commentid}/siblings Fetch siblings of a comment
/comments/deviation/{deviationid} Fetch comments posted on deviation
/comments/post/deviation/{deviationid} Post comment on a deviation
/comments/post/profile/{username} Post comment on a users profile
/comments/post/status/{statusid} Post comment on a status
/comments/profile/{username} Fetch comments posted on user profile
/comments/status/{statusid} Fetch comments posted on status


Endpoint Description
/data/countries Get a list of countries
/data/privacy Returns the DeviantArt Privacy Policy
/data/submission Returns the DeviantArt Submission Policy
/data/tos Returns the DeviantArt Terms of Service


Endpoint Description
/deviation/{deviationid} Fetch a deviation
/deviation/content Fetch full data that is not included in the main devaition object
/deviation/download/{deviationid} Get the original file download (if allowed)
/deviation/edit/{deviationid} Edit deviation.
/deviation/journal/create Create journal
/deviation/journal/update/{deviationid} Update journal. All values left empty, except cover image deviation id, will have the corresponding fields cleared. To keep a field value send the old one. To clear cover image deviation id value - pass `reset_cover_image_deviation_id` param with value `true`
/deviation/literature/create Create literature
/deviation/literature/update/{deviationid} Update literature. Note: null/empty values will have the corresponding fields cleared. To keep a field value send the old one.
/deviation/metadata Fetch deviation metadata for a set of deviations
/deviation/whofaved Fetch a list of users who faved the deviation


Endpoint Description
/feed/home Fetch Watch Feed
/feed/home/{bucketid} Fetch content related to a Watch event
/feed/notifications Fetch Notifications
/feed/profile Fetch Profile Feed
/feed/settings Get feed settings
/feed/settings/update Change feed settings


Endpoint Description
/gallery/{folderid} Fetch gallery folder contents
/gallery/all Get the "all" view of a users gallery
/gallery/folders Fetch gallery folders
/gallery/folders/copy_deviations Copy a list of deviations to a folder destination
/gallery/folders/create Create new gallery folders.
/gallery/folders/move Move folder to another folder
/gallery/folders/move_deviations Copy a list of deviations to a folder destination
/gallery/folders/remove/{folderid} Delete gallery folder
/gallery/folders/remove_deviations Remove a list of deviations from a gallery folder
/gallery/folders/update_deviation_order Update order of deviation in folder
/gallery/folders/update_order Rearrange the position of folders


Endpoint Description
/messages/delete Delete a message or a message stack
/messages/feed Feed of all messages
/messages/feedback Fetch feedback messages
/messages/feedback/{stackid} Fetch messages in a stack
/messages/mentions Fetch mention messages
/messages/mentions/{stackid} Fetch messages in a stack


Endpoint Description
/notes Fetch notes
/notes/{noteid} Fetch a single note
/notes/delete Delete a note or notes
/notes/folders Fetch note folders
/notes/folders/create Create new folder
/notes/folders/remove/{folderid} Delete note folder
/notes/folders/rename/{folderid} Rename a folder
/notes/mark Mark notes
/notes/move Move notes to a folder
/notes/send Send a note


Endpoint Description
/stash/publish Publish a item to deviantART
/stash/submit Submit files to or modify existing files


Endpoint Description
/user/damntoken Retrieve the dAmn auth token required to connect to the dAmn servers
/user/friends/{username} Get the users list of friends
/user/friends/search Search friends by username
/user/friends/unwatch/{username} Unwatch a user
/user/friends/watch/{username} Watch a user
/user/friends/watching/{username} Check if user is being watched by the given user
/user/profile/{username} Get user profile information
/user/profile/posts Will return all journals & status updates for a given user in a single feed.
/user/profile/update Update the users profile information
/user/statuses/post Post a status
/user/watchers/{username} Get the user's list of watchers
/user/whoami Fetch user info of authenticated user
/user/whois Fetch user info for given usernames


Endpoint Description
/placebo Placebo call to confirm your access_token is valid