kami_#Hair and Smudge Brushes_for Kritadev-moon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dev-moon/art/kami-Hair-and-Smudge-Brushes-for-Krita-455660002dev-moon

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kami_#Hair and Smudge Brushes_for Krita



髪_kami_7-Hair Brushes(A,B1,B2,C,D,D-re,E) + 5-Smudge Brushes(A,B1,B2,C,E) set_for Krita.
Please try it while adjusting the direction of the tip.
Smudge-Brushes: The smudge brush has the effect of expressing the flow of hair on the border of the color. Please try it out and see the effect.:)

How to import Krita 2.x :
C:\ Users\ (user name)\ AppData\ Roaming\ krita\ share\ apps\ krita\ "brushes","paintoppresets"
Unzip the Zip file that you downloaded  >  Copy & paste the gbr files to brushes folder, and kpp files to paintoppresets folder  >  Restart the Krita :) Enjoy brushes!

How to import Krita 3.0~, 4.x , 5.0 :

C:\ Users\ (user name)\ AppData\ Roaming\ krita\ "brushes","paintoppresets"
Unzip the Zip file that you downloaded  >  Copy & paste the gbr files to brushes folder, and kpp files to paintoppresets folder  >  Restart the Krita :) Please enjoy brushes!
import image - sta.sh/01nk83bz47ha

Hair-Brush option :
+Size, in Brush setting  >  Size - sync to pressure.

Up date :

Fixed version 1.1 - There were some mistakes in the smudge brush to the first release. Fixed smudge brush(A,B1,C)

~Any other software~
for GIMP - fav.me/d5w9yfg
for SketchBook 8 - fav.me/dctf75q
for Photoshop Elements - fav.me/d6hk7k7
for CLIP STUDIO PAINT - fav.me/de2c7ud

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MrWouwou's avatar

Many thanks !

I was looking for this kind of brush for my furry drawings.