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August 2, 2011
Photoshop Animation Tutorial is by *detrans
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by MidNightMagnificent
detrans's avatar

Photoshop Animation Tutorial



Realistic clouds and waterfall video animation tutorial for Photoshop CS3 and above...

How to:
This tutorial is about how to add life to your photo by merging 1 photo and 2 video loops together.

You can always buy similar video loops from stock photo or video sites by searching the terms:"seamless clouds" or "clouds loop" or "cloudscape" etc.
If they are not seamless or too long, you can always use the classic After Effects fading in/out trick to make them seamless and short (~3-5 seconds)...

Would you like to try it?
Download all the original files used for the tutorial here: [link]
... and create you own animation!

As always: :+fav: is much appreciated : )

Special Thanks:
Thanks you all for the DD!
It is nice to finally have one in a different category,
specially when you get it for helping others...


More tuts?:
You check out my other tutorials here: [link]

Image size
1016x760px 3.66 MB
© 2011 - 2024 detrans
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CherrysDesigns's avatar
That's awesome!
How did you make the animation go seamlessly and forever?
When I save my file As .mov it always stops. But I would like to upload it here and make it go for ever.