Noodle Dragon - Friends of Food I (closed)DeToast on DeviantArt

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Noodle Dragon - Friends of Food I (closed)



I am delighted to be the guest artist of these two gorgeous noodles~!
Noodle Dragons are such a wonderful species <3 :iconupdrafts:

There will be a total of 3 parts, FoFI, FoFII and FoF III, so keep your eyes peeled~!


Choco Mousse
Owner :iconsosiqui:

SB: 350 Points
MI: 100 Points
AB: 1500 Points

Soulbound Item: cocoa bean
Ears: windswept (small)
Paws: standard (fluffy)
Tail: standard (fluffy)
Notables: fluffy embrace and a tiny bit chubby.
"I admit that my sister has quite the look, but I have charm... - wait, charisma! yeah, that's what they call it. But I
am charming, right?"

Candylicious Jawbreaker
AB'ed by :iconsosiqui:

Soulbound Item: jingle bell 
Ears: windswept (medium)
*Horns: nubs - uncommon
Paws: standard
Tail: standard
Notables: elegant cuteness.
"Hello. That's my friend over there, on the left. Hmm? He called me sister...? No- we're only childhood friends. You know.... I think he's taken a liking to me, but is too shy to admit it."

(Gender can be chosen by owner)
(All auctions end 48 hours after last bid)

Image size
1716x1066px 917.34 KB
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blushmilk's avatar
ahh hey toast can u let the person who ab'd know that they have to join the group? :3 soryr for not saying so earlier haha