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The Best Valentine's Poem Ever



This is what happens when your friend :iconamorphous-fae: tells you what she saw on Youtube and you really want to draw it but you only have thirty minutes until you need to go to bed so you'll be ready for school the next day and you don't own a tablet. I guess it turned out okay for something I did so quickly. Whatever...

I felt like having my webcomic character Stabber say it for some reason. I dunno. Those are the best drawn-with-a-mouse hearts you will ever feast your eyes upon. Just saying. I couldn't think of a background so I left it white. Regretting it slightly... I might go back in and change it to pink.

I never actually wanted to draw anything for Valentine's Day, but this was way too funny. Well, it was for me anyway. In unrelated news, my birthday's in three days and I shall watch Beavis and Butthead until my head explodes. Sounds like a plan to me.
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© 2012 - 2024 Dethkira
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galaxyiero's avatar
Simply the best of our times XD