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Inner Glow

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There is a wold, inside yourself, if you stop to look. Nurture and attend to your inner light, and it will grow to a sun, to warm and light your very own universe.

With so much going on outside, it can be really easy to miss the world within ourselves. Whens the last time you paused to listen to what was going on within you? To your own breath and body? All these beautiful sensations we often don't make time for, with so many pressures on us in everyday life, in this busy world, stopping and giving ourselves love and compassion can sometimes seem like a selfish act. It isn't. It's often essential.
I used to think meditation was about taking you some place else in your head, but most of it starts from noticing the sensations in your body, like breathing, and exploring what your experience is moment by moment.

Since coming out of psychiatric hospital, I've incorporated meditation and mindfulness into my everyday life. It does take a lot of effort, practice and work, but it's helped with many aspects of my difficulties, and I'm enjoying the presence and peace it helps bring. My psychiatrist recommended Mark Williams book: Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World, and I, in turn, am recommending it on.

A Happier drawing, for happier days :)

Peace, Love and Presence,
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© 2016 - 2024 DestinyBlue
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TheInkMaiden's avatar

Simply beautiful piece with wise words. Bravo! <3