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DestinyBlue's avatar

Anime Artist Meme



The original meme… uses photos but I thought it would be fun to draw pictures :) Haven't seen it done before, but if I know the internet it will have been XD

Yes, this is supposed to be me, I really have bright blue hair permanently, and a lot of my time is spent hunched over my computer XD

Thought this might be of interest some Deviantarters as everyone seems to have different opinions and perceptions of your art. This is a bit of a lighthearted take on the anime side of things :D

When you say 'artist' some people think 'hobo' when you say 'anime' some people think 'porn' There are a lot of different perceptions, some good some bad, all interesting.

I'd be interested to hear if you've experienced any prejudices or odd perceptions of your artwork or of you drawing :)

Edit: heh, didn't expect quite so many people to vibe with this XD
'Anime Artist' was punchier that 'artist who takes influence from the anime style' I've developed a more semi-realistic style recently, but went more classic anime look for this :)
Though of having a 'what real artists think you do' panel XD
It's not a moan, generally people are really interested and supportive even if they haven't heard of anime before, but everyone has pre-conceptions about things and this is just my amusing take on that XD

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