..'::Amethyst Dreamer::'..DestinyBlue on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/destinyblue/art/Amethyst-Dreamer-22819534DestinyBlue

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..'::Amethyst Dreamer::'..



Fluke you little minx ;)

You got it, another one of my character Fluke, I swear someday i'll draw her with her clothes on XD heh

Shes drawn in pencil and I liked her so decided do her justice and colour her in.

I honestly couldnt tell you how long I spent on it..... quite a while, but not as long as my usuall pieces, all completed within a week which is some kind of record for me XD All coloured in Open Canvas and, as I said earlier, sketched in pencil :)

Her hair, which was one thing I thought would not come out well, I am quite pleased with, and her outfit (dressing gown/kimono?) came out not as well as I would have liked. I hope you can see whats going on ^^ I should tell you before anyone askes; all the kimono work is my own without brushes or someone elses textures. I like the flowers a lot on the bottom, but feel its a little complicated when it gets to the dragons and clouds (if you can even make them out) but I suppose it adds interest and makes you look a bit harder into the image.
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787x1116px 684.01 KB
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