The Biggest Sharkdeskridge on DeviantArt

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deskridge's avatar

The Biggest Shark



Prints: daniel-eskridge.artistwebsites…

"The Biggest Shark"

Out of the murky waters emerge menacing forms.  Two massive sharks prowl though beds of seaweed in prehistoric ocean shallows.  A little red crab, too small for the great predators to take notice of looks up from the sandy sea floor.  

Continuing my series of aquatic themed paleoart, I decided to depict the biggest shark of all time: Megalodon.  This was a shark four times the size of the modern Great White.  If these creatures were around today and one came upon you scuba diving, it could swallow you in a single bite.

A disclaimer about my paleoart:

When it comes to paleoart, the images I create favor 'art' more than 'paleo'. While I try my best to depict animals as accurately as possible I'm make no claim that they 100% scientifically accurate. The same goes for the environment I depict them in. I am primarily interested in creating aesthetically pleasing images and paintings. Scientific accuracy comes second behind artistic expression.

Note: the creation of this image involved the use of purchased products

Tools used: Poser, Vue, GIMP, Photomatix

Poser (for posing characters):
Renderosity (where to get characters, clothes, hair):
Vue (for building the scene and rendering):
GIMP (an open source alternative to Photoshop):

Thanks for looking!
Daniel Eskridge    


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Image size
6200x4650px 22.39 MB
© 2014 - 2025 deskridge
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ThisIsMeHeheLOL's avatar

youtube fake megaladon clickbait thumbnail source?