Average Fantasy Adventure by SlingBlade87, literature
Average Fantasy Adventure
Cresting the ridge and looking down into the valley beyond, Hadrian took a moment to gaze down the length of the vale before them.
The rocky mountains rose up on either side of them, their slopes still dotted with the last of the winter's snow. The valley itself seemed clear of any snowy remnants from the season, the evergreen trees standing tall and green and the brown and yellow grasses rustled gently in the breeze.
“It's almost tranquil, isn't it?” Maria remarked as she joined him on the rise to look down at the stretch of land before them. “To think that we're going to die here.”
Looking down at the halfling, Hadrian shook his head.
“We are not going to die here.”
“That's what you say.” Maria responded, with her hands on her hips. “But our elven friend says we're here to look at some ancient mage tower remember? Those places are deathtraps for a reason.”
“You are being well paid for your trouble.” said elf declared as she joined them and pointed towards the opposite end of
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