Design Guide: Cross Mutation

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Cross Mutation

[Bronze Cross, Silver Cross, Gold Cross]

Cross is an interesting mutation that displays a black coat and a brown, tawny, or tundra coat at the same time.
Crosses come in three colors: Bronze Cross (brown), Gold Cross (tawny), and Silver Cross (tundra).

While Cross is similar to Chimerism because it displays two separate base coats, Cross works very differently.
The edges between both base coats are always soft edged, and all markings sit on top of the two base coats.

Minimum / Maximum

At minimum (left), cross only needs to display on the face; where and how much is up to you, as long as it's visible.

At maximum, the non-black half can cover up to 50% of the Tokota.
The maximum image is an example; you may arrange the base coats differently.

The black base is typically more on the top half of the Tokota, while the non-black base is typically more on the undersides of the Tokota.
The arrangement of the two base coats often resembles cross foxes; feel free to look up images of foxes for inspiration.

Cross Edges

The edges between the base coats should be soft or blurred, never solid!

What Colors Do I Use?

As mentioned above, the Cross mutation is very similar to Chimerism, meaning what you're
seeing is a Tokota that is half black and half brown, tawny, or tundra.

For both base coats, you must use a base color in the lineage or pick from one of the swatches from the base coat guide.

That means even Melisandre red can be used on a bronze cross if she is in your pup's lineage.
Here are some examples of different color bronze crosses:

This bronze cross on the left had Melisandre 45 red in their lineage, making a black/red combo.
This bronze cross on the right was a relative of Jasper 4300, giving them a funky Halloween look.

A regular silver cross shows the creamy, off white tundra against a striking black.

Cross + Modifier Genes

Cream, grey and lilac affect cross too.
And since genes like cream and grey don't affect black base coats, they will show on the non-black side.
Lilac on the other hand will turn both the black and the non-black sides into brilliant shades of blue.

Cream Bronze Cross (left) || Lilac Bronze Cross (right)
Lilac Silver Cross (left) || Greying Bronze cross (right)

Cross Mutation + Other Markings

Unlike regular chimeric Tokotas, cross mutation acts like a base for the rest of the markings to sit on top

Below we have a Marked bronze cross with piebald, starmarks, bearmarks, and accents.

Cross also turns Accents darker than the base coat.
They do not need to be black, but must be darker than the base coat they are covering.

Pangare may optionally show on Cross Tokotas.
If present in the design, Pangare must be darker than the base coat and lighter than or the same color as Accents.

Good Examples of Cross Tokotas:

ID 39394 by TotemSpirit WM31 by TotemSpirit ID 38227 by TotemSpirit Sarama 34181 by TotemSpirit
  Veera 34679 by TotemSpirit Nenya 33609 by TotemSpirit ID 39272 by TotemSpirit Cranky 23845 by TotemSpirit

Skin by Horsepoint and alexpeanut, paw icon by Kawiku, images by noebelle
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ANIMALGIRL1869's avatar
hi there.. I haven't been keeping up.. just saw this pup for sale.. and very curious at the color. 
*Marked collared greying dun lilac gold cross with accents*

I see there is a lilac silver on here.. how would the lilac gold cross look?