Design Den - 2018-2020 [CLOSED]

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Need a Tokota designed? Don't have the resources to do it? You have come to the right place! 


Do You Qualify for DD?

Design Den is a resource for those who cannot design their own tokotas or afford to commission designs. 

In order to keep DD running smoothly and fairly, we can only design for members who meet those qualifications! Please review the following points to make sure you qualify before posting your request.


  • You cannot design tokotas yourself
    • If you design characters or ARPG species, you may be disqualified if they are similar markings
  • You cannot afford to commission designs
    • You have not commissioned designs or artwork recently 
    • You have not recently purchased genos / adopts / etc. for a significant price
    • You have not recently sold slots / genos / etc. at a significant price
    • You do not have a significant amount of rare tokotas (that you could offer slots to in exchange for designs)
    • You do not have a large sum of TT in your bank (over 100,000 TT)

Please note: Some of these requirements can be somewhat subjective. There may be certain circumstances where our designers must use their best judgment on whether you qualify for DD. If you think you still qualify for DD despite not meeting one of the above requirements, please let us know why in the "What makes you eligible for DD" section of the request form. We always keep an open mind and try to give the benefit of the doubt! :3


How to Request

You may submit up to five design requests per month. You may not request a specific designer, or submit a geno more than once; if you are unhappy with the design, you are welcome to go elsewhere for a design, but you cannot resubmit it to get a different design.

Please note that DD requests count toward your monthly DC submissions, so you may only submit five designs between DC and DD requests.


Reply with the below form:

Full geno (example below): 
Female, Natural Mane
Submissive - Healthy
Marked collared brown with accents
Proof: (please link the specific reply on the breeding comment that shows your proof of geno ownership, or the adoption center comment if you adopted your geno)
What makes you eligible for DD: *
Any other requests: (eye color, preferences etc.)

* Please see requirements above. If you have previously been able to design tokotas or afford commissions and are not able to now, you must state why.


craeve CH-Travels
Occasionally additional official Tokotas admin


Once I get my design, do I have to put it through the design approval process?

Nope! All designs made by our designers are approved before being sent to you. As soon as you okay the design and fill out the information template as instructed, your tokota is added directly to the upload list.

Can I offer suggestions as to what I would like my design to look like?

Yes please do! We want you to be happy with your design, so feel free to tell us your preferences. But please don't be extremely picky, and try to keep an open mind. Our designers are not required to completely redo your design, nor are they required to tweak things excessively. 

Will it take long to get to my design?

It depends on who is available and how many designs they are taking on, so the wait time will fluctuate. However, once your request is claimed you should expect to wait not much longer than a week to hear back!

I don't like my design. Can I get a different one?

Unfortunately, no. You may request some minor changes from the designer, but if the design would need to be majorly altered or completely redone, you will have to commission someone or do it yourself. You must include the DD designer in the design credit unless you get the design completely redone.

I don't like my design. Can I edit it myself?

You will need to talk to your designer. If they agree to let you edit it yourself, however, you will not be able to use the Design Den to get your tokota approved and uploaded - you will need to go through regular Design Central with your edited design.You must include the DD designer in the design credit.


Skin by Horsepoint and alexpeanut, paw icon by Kawiku, images by noebelle
© 2017 - 2025 DesignDen
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Badhyena's avatar

Male, natural mane, avg healthy dwarfism,


marked, collared, black, with bear and star marks,


Why i cannot design--was told it had to be with req digital bg and line art templates. I am not a digital artist and do not know how to use templates

Want-Green eyes