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Boarding School AU



made my babes a school AU.

Basically it's a boarding school to drop of your supernatural kiddos after they've turned into monsters of the night. Hanna is actually human, but gets sent there because he was resurrected with magic after his family was murdered and all that jazz, so now he kind of dabbles in it mostly to keep himself up and running but also because magic is hella cool. 

He gets bullied a lot since everyone's a hypocritical asshole against humans. Zombie's actually his room mate and really doesn't give a shit that Hanna's human, calling everyone out on their hypocrisy. Everyone's actually really skittish around him since he's the only zombie and he doesn't entirely ACT much like a zombie, he's just quiet and doesn't talk to anyone. So he sort of has that 'bad boy rep' sort of status, but he's not really that bad, but he will deck you if you push it. 

The vampires are kind of the jocks and the cheer leaders, Casimiro and Finas are the 'pack leaders' and all popular and shit, and they cause the most damage to Hanna. They're all like 'Monsters are the superior!' and all that racist bullshit. Adelaide and Cas used to kind of date but they broke up and now there's bad blood {pun intended} between them. She isn't normally too mean to Hanna though since he helped her out after someone cursed her, so if she's around when Cas and Fin pick on Hanna she usually stops them.

Conrad's a 'freshie' pretty much a term for any new dumpee like Hanna and stuff, don't matter what grade you're in, welcome to the monster world asshole. So he gets sired by Adelaid and he tutors her in art because she can't draw for shit. In private they get along pretty well, but in public they're always wringing each other's necks. Conrad and Hanna being new kids sort of stick together because 'hey you're fucking lost too? GREAT LETS BE FRIENDS.' 

Toni and the werewolves are pretty much the theater kids because they can really project their voices well. They still have the vampire, werewolf feud but it's not as bad as the outside world, they mostly just nag each other. But generally Toni will back Hanna up in the lunch room when he's getting picked on, and plus he helped her fix her charm so it's all good. 

Veser's mom is pretty much the dean, and Veser just kind of runs little errands for her half the time, like showing freshies around the grounds and so on. 

Doc Worth is well the school's doctor, no one knows if he's human or not but he's too much of an asshole to bother asking. Mostly everyone's too pissed off at him to get hurt so he just drinks and smokes in his office all day. Of course he and Hanna get to be real buddies over how many times Hanna's been injured in fights etc. He and Zombie get along pretty well too, since he's kind of in charge of sewing him back up if he falls apart. 

Lamont is sort of the human-monster relations expert. He brings in new kids, takes out anyone who's been turned back into a human, and brings supplies back and forth. He and Worth have the same relationship as usual. Lamont also takes kids to see their parents or parents to see their kids. 

Ples is sort of the grounds keeper of the place, he lives in the clock tower and keeps the damn thing going. He also tends to the building and has a squad of golems to help him out. 

Abner is the head of security, he just makes sure the perimeter is clear and lets Lamont in and out. He doesn't particularly like his job very much and is a HUGE asshole to the kids. Mostly the vampires when those little shits run off the grounds to go get 'fresh meat'. 

And yeah, that's the basic set up I came up with. 
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Pantsless-Ghost's avatar
I really really like the idea of this au.