MLP muffinDerpwave on DeviantArt

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Derpwave's avatar

MLP muffin



I needed to do this for another project, and due to many nice MLP works here with poorly self-drawn muffins, I decided to upload it.
Feel free to use it. If you do so, it would be nice to refer to me, but you don't have to.
By the way, it's traced, so it's show-accurate.
.psd file (screencap included): [link]
License: CC BY NC SA 3.0 (details)
You are allowed to use, modify, share and build upon this work. You do not have to credit me, but please send me a note or comment to this deviation when you're done.
Commercial use is prohibited unless otherwise specified, ask me for individual cases.
Image size
1500x1280px 90.93 KB
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