(Engrossed) Fame Seeker Lenaelledepingo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/depingo/art/Engrossed-Fame-Seeker-Lenaelle-371016760depingo

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(Engrossed) Fame Seeker Lenaelle



This is the evolved version of the card I posted last week, done for Applibot's Legend of the Cryptids.
I had a great time designing the outfit here, since I took inspiration from 17th century clothing, which has some of my favorite elements in fashion. Lace collars, rows of buttons, high boots and... skimpy little dresses? Well... ^^;

Regular version:

They made her an Ultra Rare, which is cool. However, that also means I'll never get her in-game. So if anyone wants to trade with me (or give me a nice gift :flirty:), my username in LoC is the same as here :3

Later today, in about 4 hours from now, at around 23:00/11PM GMT+1 (Saturday, May 11th) I will be livestreaming again! Come and say hi</b> >> [link] <<
I'll do a quick paintover/crit and probably talk to ~Fetsch and *Viccolatte :heart:
Image size
675x900px 448.3 KB
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A sword-wielding red-headed woman in Musketeer uniform, I love it.