BattleTeam:Bonbon the Berserker (work in progress)deoix on DeviantArt

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deoix's avatar

BattleTeam:Bonbon the Berserker (work in progress)



the other day, while I was sleeping, came to my mind the idea of draw the background mane six like a battle team, and I start with Bonbon, the berserker (or tank, if you prefer that) of the team. she has very powerfull atacks, but they are slow, so she fights with lyra (who is fastest but weaker than her) in perfect synchronization: lyra immobilizes the enemy with her magic (she creaets giants hands made of magic) and Bonbon hits him/her with the hammer.
PS: lyra will be the next I'll draw, after I finish with this one. I still have to do the shadows and a background.
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6000x5000px 1.04 MB
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Taekwon-prices's avatar
Es muy Guay!, Mola un mogollon!