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  • June 3
  • Denmark
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (3)
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:iconbelarusrapetimeplz: I'll take you home if you don't leave me at the front door
:iconamericahardpowerplz: Your body's cold, but girl, we're getting so warm
:iconfrancerapefaceplz: And I was thinking of ways that I could get inside
:iconromanofailplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitabroshumpplz: (Let me go now)
:iconlukasiewiczplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconholyromeexcitedplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconukdanceplz: Now if she does it like this
:icongermanydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconfrancesmackplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconrussiaturbopokeplz: Will you touch her right back?
:iconrussiarasputinplz: Now if she moves like this
:icondanceicelandplz: Will you move like that?
:iconrainbowitalyplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconwthenglandplz: Your lips tremble, but your eyes are in a straight stare
:icongerita4plz: We're on the bed, but your clothes are laying right there
:iconceilingrussiaplz: And I was thinking of places I could hide
:iconfallingukraineplz: Tonight you're falling in love!
:iconitalyhugsjapanplz: (Let me go now)
:iconchinanoplz: The feelings' stirring me up!
:iconfrancemuahplz: (Here we go now!)
:iconenglandgetdownplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconamericagetdownplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconswitzerlandsplitplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconaustriasplitplz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancerussiaplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconjapanpastaplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowludwigplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!
:iconamericapopipoplz: I saw you dancing
:iconshakefishseyplz: And I couldn't get you off my mind
:iconitalywtfplz: I could tell, you could tell, that I was taking my time!
:iconiggybrowsplz: I was thinking of ways to get you to stay for the night
:iconukraineboobiesplz: Your body's shaking!
:iconohpervyfeliplz: Turn me on, so I can turn off the lights!
:icongilmoemoekyunplz: Now if she does it like this
:iconenglandsexydanceplz: Will you do it like that?
:iconaiyaharuplz: Now if she touches like this
:iconfrancestick2plz: Will you touch her right back?
:icondancingswedenplz: Now if she moves like this
:iconamericahappyspazzplz: Will you move it like that?
:iconrainbowkikuplz: (Come on!)
:iconitalyraveplz: Shake!
:iconromanoraveplz: Shake!
:icongermanyraveplz: Shake!
:iconprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:iconjapanraveplz: Shake it!
:iconenglandraveplz: Shake!
:iconamericaravepls: Shake!
:iconfranceraveplz: Shake! 
:iconraverussiaplz: Shake!
:iconravechinaplz: Shake it!
:iconnorwayraveplz: Shake! 
:icondenmarkraveplz: Shake! 
:iconfinlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconswedenraveplz: Shake! 
:iconicelandraveplz: Shake it! 
:iconsealandraveplz: Shake!
:iconcanadaraveplz: Shake!
:iconscotlandraveplz: Shake!
:iconmaidprussiaraveplz: Shake!
:icontimetodancearuplz: Shake it!
:iconswissraveplz: Shake!
:iconaustriaraveplz: Shake!
:iconraveseychellesplz: Shake!
:iconbelraveplz: Shake!
:iconsingaporeraveplz: Shake it!

Once there was a guy called Alfred, aka America. He was forever alone at his home, because his uke UK was derping in gay bar with Japan's seme Greece and Germany's wife Italy.
America felt fucking insulted, because Prussia told him that he's ugly and even Ivan Braginski doesn't want him become one with mother Russia. (Then Ivan raped Prussia and they lived happily ever after, but Belarus made demonstration, because she was homophobe.)
America went mad and he ran upstairs, but he suddenly ran into someone... Um... What was his name... Canada, I guess? Well, America ran into... Kanada, and than sexually frustrated Alfred raped... Canata.

Well, you don't want to end up like Canada, don't you? But if you want, then don't send this anybody.

If you send this to 1-3 people, Ivan will come and make you become one with mother Russia. (in other words you will have threesome with Russia and Prussia)

If you send this to 3-5 people, drunk UK will run into you and yell at you that you cheated on him with France. (in other words you will have threesome with UK and France)

If you send this to 5-10 people, you will find a videotape with Spamano porn at your bed.

If you send this to 10+ people, you will be invited to Italy's and Germany's wedding, yay!

Done, now Russia, come to me!
.w. hai dere