
(WIP) Sample Code's history (own universe)

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Chapter 1

Somewhere on earth was a 18 year old brony. At the moment this story starts, he was making a game and just wrote the last line of code to make the game work:

variable awesome += awesome*20%;

"Okay, lets do a test run and then I can put it online." he said. However, when he started the game, there was a blinding white flash coming from his screen. The next moment he was falling from about 10 meters. While falling he noticed something strange was happening with his body, but he was too focused on trying to stop his fall. Suddenly the tingling in his body stopped, but just a split second later, he hit the ground and got knocked out.

When he woke up his, vision was blurry. He noticed that he was in a forest, but there was something strange about this place. Though he was sure he hasn't been there before, it still looked mighty familiar. Suddenly he recognized it. This could only be the Everfree Forest, but how? That's just from that cartoon he likes. This must be a dream! He looked at himself to see if he wasn't injured, but instead discovers that he now was a dark grey, almost black, pony with a green mane and tail. "What the... How is this possible?!" Then he noticed he didn't have a cutie mark yet. "Oh this is just great..." he says. He starts thinking about what happened how it was possible.

:iconconstructionsignplz: (from here on)

Chapter 2

When after a few hours he couldn't find any possible explanation, he sighed. Then suddenly from behind him he heard someone saying "Who are you?". Sample Code jumped up in surprise and while turning around he said: "My friends call me Sample Code, but who are you?". The pegasus standing behind him tilted her head and blinked. She then answered: "You may call me either the Forest Spirit or Spectra." "I think I'll call you Spectra, that's easier to remember." replied Sample Code. Spectra chuckled and hugged him. Then she yawned while laying herself down. "Howcome you're tired? I thought spirits don't get tired." asked Sample Code. Spectra replied by tapping his head and saying "We can get tired, though it takes us a lot longer." "Oh..." replied Sample Code and laid himself down again. The he asked "So what is it like? Being a spirit of the forest?" Spectra looked out at the forest and smiled. "It's a great feeling." "Do you have any duties as a spirit of the forest?"
I've done some rp's and want to add parts of them to the stories, because one the rp's is where he gets his CM in my own universe and it was just... AWESOME!

Also, thank you Gothika-Prime for the great idea! :iconsqueeeplz:
Now I can finish my character sheet and our rp's can be "official" :happybounce:


MLP:FiM belongs to :iconfyre-flye: and :iconhasbroplz:

Sample Code belongs to me

Spectra belongs to CrypticGamer :iconcrypticgamer:
© 2014 - 2024 Den-drummer
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