
(WIP) Sample Code's history (Gothika's universe)

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Den-drummer's avatar

Literature Text

Prologue (full credit goes to Mr-Slippy-Fist and I just tweaked it)

The unicorn who would be known as Sample Code was born to a set of parents who would set Equestria and the world beyond on the road to an interconnected future. Fixed Gear and Static Charge were two rather plain ponies who shared one thing in common, that brought them together under Celestia's blessing... They both shared an incredible passion for the unattainable, what has yet to exist... The need for invention! Fixed Gear would be the brains behind the mechanical aspect of their various projects, and Static Charge would find out how to make it work with the still rather unknown power of electricity. As their partnership grew, so did their love for one another, until eventually they were wed and Static bore her husband a so: the unicorn Sample Code.

As he grew up he shared his parents' love for invention, though his interests were less in the hardware side of things. His parents had that section covered, his passion led him instead to the programming of what his parents conceived. As he grew, Sample Code spent many days, and equally many nights, studying and experimenting with his parents' machinery and tools, until eventually he had done it. Equestria's first computer ever... It was a simple machine, barely able to do simple math, but it was new, and it was his! It was at that moment that he felt the tingle on his flank, and the flash of light signalling that he had found his calling in life: to usher Equestria into a new age, the age... of the computer!


Chapter 1 (credit from here on goes to me and everyone listed in the description)

The actual story begins years later. Sample somehow ended up in the Everfree Forest, but he lost the part of is memory of how he got there.
(Will be the same as the one from my own universe, at least in the great lines)
Thank you Gothika-Prime for the first chapte! :iconsqueeeplz:
Now I can finish my character sheet and our rp's can be "official" :happybounce:


MLP:FiM belongs to :iconfyre-flye: and :iconhasbroplz:

Sample Code belongs to me

Fixed Gear and Static Charge belong to Gothika-Prime :icongothika-prime:
© 2014 - 2024 Den-drummer
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DarkMythDM's avatar
alright, i'm staying at my grandpa's again -.- so im really annoyed having to waste my spring break.I never knew you became a bronyyy!I've never seen an episode on mlp  but I've been busy HEY,i just remembered  you needa get miiverse! if you have then I haven't looked you up d: