ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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Literature Text
--Part 2--
You're nearly yanked off of your feet by the towel that's snagged them. You'd likely fall forward on your face if another towel didn't kindly wrap itself around one to catch you. You swing forward, flailing around, trying to see what's going on behind you that's causing all this, when suddenly the towel around your wrist wraps quickly around the other, bringing both of them together. It smoothes out, keeping your wrists together and holding your elbows less than a foot apart, like an armbinder. The towel between your ankles pulls your legs together too, smoothing and spreading out until both your ankles and knees are wrapped by the soft towel lengthwise.
Both of the bindings are soft and don't hurt, but both are firm and strict; they're both clearly fully animated in some way, their whole forms moving all at once. You're only given a second to struggle in your binds, both towels holding you firmly upright to ensure you don't fall down, before both lift up and take you towards the shower. The curtains spread wide, allowing them to hover in with their cargo, which is to say, you. And after that, just as fast as they bound you, you're unbound, the smooth and soft towels unwrapping and darting out of the shower, the curtains closing behind them. You do your best to rush out, but it's like running facefirst into the wall of a bouncy castle. The curtains softly slow you down, then push you back gently, keeping you in. You can't seem to move them, it's like they're possessed. Trying to draw them away, then trying to yank them off the rings... None of it works, it's like you don't have any strength at all. You're still screaming as loud as you were when you were brought into the shower, panicking because of what appears to be a thoroughly haunted bathroom.
The lights flicker again, and then the showerhead creaks, pointing directly at you. You freeze, as if a gun was just leveled at your chest. The faucets whirl quickly, and water springs out of the shower over your naked form, and... It's really nice. It's so warm, precisely the perfect temperature for your shower, right down to the degree. You stop your panicking and screaming and scrabbling at the shower curtains for a moment. The showerhead moves up and down, running water from your head to your feet. After you finally determine that the water isn't hostile, you go back to trying to push through the curtains, turning your back on it. The pressure jumps, immensely! But... It's running up and down your back, over your shoulders, in a tight spread... Harder and softer, alternating every quarter of a second... It's massaging you. The shower is massaging you.
Stepping away from the curtains, you turn back towards the showerhead and it resumes a constant, soft stream. You're still panicking a little, but it's been minutes and you've not seen anything try to hurt you any more. So you decide to focus more on getting out than on the whole screaming thing. Still, it's hard to be tense and excited when you go back to working at the curtains, because that showerhead is massaging you again, with its stream of hot water. You could swear you feel soft, kind hands, squeezing the stress of the situation out of your body. Regardless, you try to climb up and over the metal bar the curtains are held up on. One of the towels peeks itself over the bar and assumes a posture that reminds you of scowling. You make an abrupt whimpering noise of distress and decide to give up.
After a minute or two more of relaxing soaking in the shower's water, a sponge abruptly darts up from its tray. You make another distressed noise and nearly slip and fall, but one part of the shower curtains darts out and makes sure you don't go off your feet. Timidly, you resume standing, and this time you're much less surprised when more sponges, as well as shampoos and body washes, spring to life. Some pour directly onto you, while others pour onto some of the sponges, and you're gently washed by the floating things. Well, after you first try to evade them, but doing that is like evading a swarm of bees. You manage to slap a few away from you, but the other half-dozen are already on you, and after nearly slipping again, and being held up by the sponges instead this time, you calm down and let them do what they need to. You even work your fingers through your hair to get the shampoo farther in. Your hair really is a bit too long, you think. Why didn't you get a haircut before you came to see Lilly? It can't have been that much shorter before you left on your train ride.
This line of thought is completely averted when you realize what you're smelling. It's all so... Feminine, again. Fruit scents, sweet flowery smells, it's a menagerie that you're intensely uncomfortable with, but you've got to accept it. You're more than a little frightened here. You really don't want to invoke the anger of a vengeful... uh... ghost shower.
Eventually the soap is all washed away, though oddly there's something they applied to your body below the neck that isn't washing away. You're considering rubbing it off, but now you have to contend with conditioners, so that's distracting you for the time being. You never used them, always a bit too much of a girly hair product, but this shower seems to make the rules. You begrudgingly work it through your hair after it pours it on. After going through what you can only vaguely assume is a proper hair care regimen, with all the products that involves, you finally turn your attention to your body, only to find a few sponges are already approaching to get to work. They scrub... Whatever that strange residue of white cream is off of your body. Confusing and distressing you, all your body hair below the neck washes away with it.
You peek into the tray. One of the "body washes" shifts in its position and hides behind three of its comrades. "Nair". The rational fraction of your mind bemusedly contemplates a pointless gesture of vengeance, while the rest of it busies itself with confusion for as long as it can. It doesn't get long, though, After everything's been washed away, there's another short period of massage that seems to push you into an actual state of relaxation, even joy, for a moment, before the shower stops, the faucets whirling smoothly. The shower curtains spring wide.
They moved quickly before, but now the towels seem content to just dry you when you let them. Which takes a while, given how they treated you the first time. Dripping wet, you stay in the opposite end of the shower for a while before the shower curtains give you a nudge over to your ex-captors, causing you to stumble at them, and then slip. They catch you quickly, and set themselves at work gently drying your clean, hairless body and gently rubbing the water out of the remaining soft hair on your head. Eventually they retreat back to the rack and hang themselves to dry. The lights flicker again, and... Everything seems to have settled.
Well, you feel very clean now. And very soft. There must have been a lot of moisturizers and such in all that. You also smell excessively girly. You don't like it at all, but... There's really nothing you can do about that now. You immediately go to get your change of clothes. Ominously, you notice the nightdress, panties, and bra that you left in a crumpled heap there are gone. You really hope this isn't the sort of haunting story where those turn up later to get revenge. You don't care too much about that, though. And thank god, they're male. After finally pulling your clothes back on, timidly shooting scared glances over at the towels, you go back to your phone now and panickedly text Lilly again.
LILLY: You smell so good now~
LILLY: And your hair is so soft.
LILLY: Wow, rude. You know, this is your second bit of leniency from me.
LILLY: What did I tell you before?
LILLY: Okay wait please.
LILLY: Just calm down for a moment.
LILLY: Oh my god were you hurt by the towels???
LILLY: Oh no oh no did they cut off circulation or break your wrists or something
LILLY: Oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't hate me
LILLY: Oh no that was the first part and then the rest would have been so wrong.
LILLY: I thought that part would be gentle I'm so sorry
LILLY: I'm so sorry I'm so sorry
All of a sudden you stop caring about your own personal panic or fright and instead you focus on the fact that your best friend seems to be upset because of you.
YOU: Er sorry about capslock
YOU: I mean
YOU: No they didn't hurt me. I'm not injured.
LILLY: Oh thank god.
LILLY: I was really worried for a moment, you seemed so panicked.
You should probably be panicked, but you're just relieved for now. Resolving this seems to have pushed your tension and worry out of mind for the moment.
YOU: I'm sorry, I'm just really scared and confused about what's happening right now.
YOU: That was a lot more aggressive than the bedroom, and I don't understand what's happening. Or if there's going to be more, or if there's an upper limit to what's going on, or what.
LILLY: There is, remember? You aren't going to get hurt. Okay?
YOU: But this place is haunted or something. I don't understand what's happening, so I can't tell that I'm not going to be hurt or something.
LILLY: Do you trust me?
YOU: I trusted you before and I'm not sure I do right now.
LILLY: Have I lied to you about what's happening here?
YOU: You said you'd stop watching me and I'm pretty sure you were watching me there.
LILLY: I said that I "can" stop watching you. Okay, fine, that was a half-truth. I'll admit you've got me there. But you trusted me enough to get on a train and go halfway across the country because of my word, right?
YOU: Yeah.
LILLY: And since you've been here, all the things I've said have been truth, right?
YOU: Besides calling me "adorable", yes.
LILLY: Subjective truth, that's tangential. Listen. Will you believe you're not going to be hurt because I say so?
YOU: You mean just put faith in you?
LILLY: Yeah.
YOU: I don't know.
LILLY: ._.
LILLY: I think I might have messed up tonight. You trusted me a bunch before and now you're really suspicious of me. I'm sorry that I said all those things before. I wasn't considering your feelings and I made you feel upset and that's not okay, because I really don't want you to be upset.
LILLY: I mean I know I say I like you getting all distressed and stuff because it's really cute, but I don't want you feeling unhappy or miserable. I thought you'd enjoy this like a haunted house or something.
LILLY: Should I just open the front door and let you leave?
YOU: Just
YOU: Give me a moment to think please.
You sit down near the door and slump over, considering the situation and letting the agitation die down, taking deep breaths.
YOU: Alright. You absolutely promise I'll be okay?
LILLY: Absolutely.
YOU: No half-truths?
LILLY: I absolutely swear that no action or inaction I take will be made with the intent to cause bodily or psychological harm.
YOU: Alright, I guess that's just the best I can hope for right now.
LILLY: Okay, so will you calm down? Maybe have a bit of fun?
LILLY: I swear all I want is for you to have a bit of fun.
YOU: I guess. I'll try to not freak out so much.
LILLY: And maybe have fun?
YOU: You and I have very different definitions of fun.
YOU: Stop that.
YOU: Alright. This makes absolutely no sense, but I guess I'll say "no" to the front door option.
LILLY: You'll trust me?
YOU: No, since I fully expect more half-truths, but I'll put this little bit of faith in you.
LILLY: Thank you. I can promise you, full honesty, no half-truths, that by the time you walk out the gates, you won't regret that.
YOU: Yeah yeah, don't lay it on too thick.
LILLY: I like being melodramatic 3:
LILLY: You're no fun at all.
YOU: I know, evil twin and all that.
You slip the phone back into your pocket, then, after a five-second think, pull it back out.
YOU: Hey.
LILLY: Yeah?
YOU: Thanks.
YOU: We have different definitions of fun, but whatever's going on here you obviously put a lot of effort into it and you made me upset but you were willing to just throw it away so that I could feel better.
YOU: And you owned up to the problems.
YOU: So thanks.
YOU: You're still a really, really great friend.
You emerge from the bathroom and head back to the foyer. Something's not right, though. You ponder for a few minutes, before you realize. Your bag is gone.
YOU: Did you steal my things?
LILLY: Alright, are we still on the open honesty thing or can I do a half-truth here at least?
LILLY: This isn't nearly as fun if you have backup clothes! :c
YOU: Lilly please.
LILLY: Argh, I'm still feeling guilty... Can we make it a trade?
YOU: A trade?
LILLY: Bag for hint. It's a real hint this time, I promise.
YOU: Real hint as in "actually valuable for progress" or real hint as in "really hard to figure out"?
LILLY: I'll even just be straightforward about it! No riddles or anything. And I'll give you warnings too. And tell you a bonus hint about how all of this works.
YOU: Wow, really sweetening the deal. Alright, fine, I'll stop haggling. Give me the hint and the bonus hint and we'll call it even.
LILLY: Alright. Your hint is that you've done all you can today, and you're going to have to wait until noon tomorrow to make more progress.
LILLY: And your bonus hint is that the lights always flicker before any of the really good stuff happens. Always, no exceptions that I can think of at all.
YOU: You mean really bad stuff.
LILLY: You're such a negative nancy. Can't you just have a little fun with this?
YOU: :\
LILLY: Look, it's just us here, right?
YOU: I'm only seeing me here, actually.
LILLY: Just trust me on this, I'm in the mansion. But it's just us! Nobody's around to see anything embarrassing. You're not being filmed for some horrible humiliation, you're not being tortured, you're just playing a game with a friend! I know it's not a game you understand or that you've really enjoyed yet, but I promise you can and I think you will soon, if you just let yourself.
YOU: I guess you have a little bit of a point.
LILLY: >:c
LILLY: I have a lot of a point, you're making yourself miserable too you know.
LILLY: Can't you just enjoy this the way you enjoyed that haunted house game?
LILLY: Or at least be open to it?
YOU: I'll think about it.
LILLY: Alright. If you promise to think this over, I'll promise nothing more's going to happen until noon tomorrow.
LILLY: You won't get harassed in the night or anything. Just clear and normal. Mansion all to yourself!
YOU: So, what, you want me to go to sleep?
LILLY: Yeah. You need to sleep all that stress off.
YOU: Really?
LILLY: You've been kinda unhappy since you got here. I think with how stressful the day was before, you weren't in a good mindset for going into this. I guess I should have been more respectful of that, since you told me about it, and held off until you had had a chance to sleep and start a fresh day.
YOU: Alright. Thanks, then, I guess.
LILLY: You go get rest now.
YOU: Any directions you can give me?
LILLY: I can give you directions back to that bedroom you visited.
YOU: No way.
YOU: Stop that.
You spend the next half-hour looking around the mansion for a bedroom. All of them are in varying states of femininity. This is absolutely excessive. Eventually you find one that's only mildly feminine, really rather properly gender-neutral with female-centric furniture, and collapse on the bed. You've been near exhausted since you arrived at the gate of the mansion, and you've only been getting more fatigued as the panic-inducing situations have gone on. But you've still got adrenaline and tension in your system, in spite of the shower and the calming words of your best friend. You won't be able to sleep for a while. It's only worse when the lights flicker again. You snap up in bed, sitting and looking around urgently for activity, but you don't see any. You're breathing quickly and heavily, timidly darting your vision around the room, and then, suddenly, a noise!
A small, quiet puff. A scented candle on an elegant mahogany table next to you has lit, overcoming you with the relaxing scent of lavender. The smell mixes with your own girlishness. You nearly jump out of your skin when the covers under you move out from below, but... They're just making their way, slowly, and gently, over your body. As you let them reach your leg, they even give you a brief, comforting pat on the thigh. A pillow is in motion now, but it's just fluffing itself up and then falling to rest. You look around uncertainly, waiting for more, but all that happens is the lightswitch clicking off softly.
The rational slice of your mind wants to get up and run. The side of you that's spent all of today panicking, screaming, and running, decides it's just had enough. It has Lilly's assurance that you won't be hurt. So you lay down on the pillow that settles beneath you for perfect neck support, let the covers rise over you up to your shoulders, and, eventually succumb to the relaxing scent of the candle. Despite your stress, tension, and past panic, you're out like a light in half an hour. The candle quietly extinguishes itself in a brief puff of wind.
--End Part 2--
You're nearly yanked off of your feet by the towel that's snagged them. You'd likely fall forward on your face if another towel didn't kindly wrap itself around one to catch you. You swing forward, flailing around, trying to see what's going on behind you that's causing all this, when suddenly the towel around your wrist wraps quickly around the other, bringing both of them together. It smoothes out, keeping your wrists together and holding your elbows less than a foot apart, like an armbinder. The towel between your ankles pulls your legs together too, smoothing and spreading out until both your ankles and knees are wrapped by the soft towel lengthwise.
Both of the bindings are soft and don't hurt, but both are firm and strict; they're both clearly fully animated in some way, their whole forms moving all at once. You're only given a second to struggle in your binds, both towels holding you firmly upright to ensure you don't fall down, before both lift up and take you towards the shower. The curtains spread wide, allowing them to hover in with their cargo, which is to say, you. And after that, just as fast as they bound you, you're unbound, the smooth and soft towels unwrapping and darting out of the shower, the curtains closing behind them. You do your best to rush out, but it's like running facefirst into the wall of a bouncy castle. The curtains softly slow you down, then push you back gently, keeping you in. You can't seem to move them, it's like they're possessed. Trying to draw them away, then trying to yank them off the rings... None of it works, it's like you don't have any strength at all. You're still screaming as loud as you were when you were brought into the shower, panicking because of what appears to be a thoroughly haunted bathroom.
The lights flicker again, and then the showerhead creaks, pointing directly at you. You freeze, as if a gun was just leveled at your chest. The faucets whirl quickly, and water springs out of the shower over your naked form, and... It's really nice. It's so warm, precisely the perfect temperature for your shower, right down to the degree. You stop your panicking and screaming and scrabbling at the shower curtains for a moment. The showerhead moves up and down, running water from your head to your feet. After you finally determine that the water isn't hostile, you go back to trying to push through the curtains, turning your back on it. The pressure jumps, immensely! But... It's running up and down your back, over your shoulders, in a tight spread... Harder and softer, alternating every quarter of a second... It's massaging you. The shower is massaging you.
Stepping away from the curtains, you turn back towards the showerhead and it resumes a constant, soft stream. You're still panicking a little, but it's been minutes and you've not seen anything try to hurt you any more. So you decide to focus more on getting out than on the whole screaming thing. Still, it's hard to be tense and excited when you go back to working at the curtains, because that showerhead is massaging you again, with its stream of hot water. You could swear you feel soft, kind hands, squeezing the stress of the situation out of your body. Regardless, you try to climb up and over the metal bar the curtains are held up on. One of the towels peeks itself over the bar and assumes a posture that reminds you of scowling. You make an abrupt whimpering noise of distress and decide to give up.
After a minute or two more of relaxing soaking in the shower's water, a sponge abruptly darts up from its tray. You make another distressed noise and nearly slip and fall, but one part of the shower curtains darts out and makes sure you don't go off your feet. Timidly, you resume standing, and this time you're much less surprised when more sponges, as well as shampoos and body washes, spring to life. Some pour directly onto you, while others pour onto some of the sponges, and you're gently washed by the floating things. Well, after you first try to evade them, but doing that is like evading a swarm of bees. You manage to slap a few away from you, but the other half-dozen are already on you, and after nearly slipping again, and being held up by the sponges instead this time, you calm down and let them do what they need to. You even work your fingers through your hair to get the shampoo farther in. Your hair really is a bit too long, you think. Why didn't you get a haircut before you came to see Lilly? It can't have been that much shorter before you left on your train ride.
This line of thought is completely averted when you realize what you're smelling. It's all so... Feminine, again. Fruit scents, sweet flowery smells, it's a menagerie that you're intensely uncomfortable with, but you've got to accept it. You're more than a little frightened here. You really don't want to invoke the anger of a vengeful... uh... ghost shower.
Eventually the soap is all washed away, though oddly there's something they applied to your body below the neck that isn't washing away. You're considering rubbing it off, but now you have to contend with conditioners, so that's distracting you for the time being. You never used them, always a bit too much of a girly hair product, but this shower seems to make the rules. You begrudgingly work it through your hair after it pours it on. After going through what you can only vaguely assume is a proper hair care regimen, with all the products that involves, you finally turn your attention to your body, only to find a few sponges are already approaching to get to work. They scrub... Whatever that strange residue of white cream is off of your body. Confusing and distressing you, all your body hair below the neck washes away with it.
You peek into the tray. One of the "body washes" shifts in its position and hides behind three of its comrades. "Nair". The rational fraction of your mind bemusedly contemplates a pointless gesture of vengeance, while the rest of it busies itself with confusion for as long as it can. It doesn't get long, though, After everything's been washed away, there's another short period of massage that seems to push you into an actual state of relaxation, even joy, for a moment, before the shower stops, the faucets whirling smoothly. The shower curtains spring wide.
They moved quickly before, but now the towels seem content to just dry you when you let them. Which takes a while, given how they treated you the first time. Dripping wet, you stay in the opposite end of the shower for a while before the shower curtains give you a nudge over to your ex-captors, causing you to stumble at them, and then slip. They catch you quickly, and set themselves at work gently drying your clean, hairless body and gently rubbing the water out of the remaining soft hair on your head. Eventually they retreat back to the rack and hang themselves to dry. The lights flicker again, and... Everything seems to have settled.
Well, you feel very clean now. And very soft. There must have been a lot of moisturizers and such in all that. You also smell excessively girly. You don't like it at all, but... There's really nothing you can do about that now. You immediately go to get your change of clothes. Ominously, you notice the nightdress, panties, and bra that you left in a crumpled heap there are gone. You really hope this isn't the sort of haunting story where those turn up later to get revenge. You don't care too much about that, though. And thank god, they're male. After finally pulling your clothes back on, timidly shooting scared glances over at the towels, you go back to your phone now and panickedly text Lilly again.
LILLY: You smell so good now~
LILLY: And your hair is so soft.
LILLY: Wow, rude. You know, this is your second bit of leniency from me.
LILLY: What did I tell you before?
LILLY: Okay wait please.
LILLY: Just calm down for a moment.
LILLY: Oh my god were you hurt by the towels???
LILLY: Oh no oh no did they cut off circulation or break your wrists or something
LILLY: Oh my god I'm sorry I'm sorry please don't hate me
LILLY: Oh no that was the first part and then the rest would have been so wrong.
LILLY: I thought that part would be gentle I'm so sorry
LILLY: I'm so sorry I'm so sorry
All of a sudden you stop caring about your own personal panic or fright and instead you focus on the fact that your best friend seems to be upset because of you.
YOU: Er sorry about capslock
YOU: I mean
YOU: No they didn't hurt me. I'm not injured.
LILLY: Oh thank god.
LILLY: I was really worried for a moment, you seemed so panicked.
You should probably be panicked, but you're just relieved for now. Resolving this seems to have pushed your tension and worry out of mind for the moment.
YOU: I'm sorry, I'm just really scared and confused about what's happening right now.
YOU: That was a lot more aggressive than the bedroom, and I don't understand what's happening. Or if there's going to be more, or if there's an upper limit to what's going on, or what.
LILLY: There is, remember? You aren't going to get hurt. Okay?
YOU: But this place is haunted or something. I don't understand what's happening, so I can't tell that I'm not going to be hurt or something.
LILLY: Do you trust me?
YOU: I trusted you before and I'm not sure I do right now.
LILLY: Have I lied to you about what's happening here?
YOU: You said you'd stop watching me and I'm pretty sure you were watching me there.
LILLY: I said that I "can" stop watching you. Okay, fine, that was a half-truth. I'll admit you've got me there. But you trusted me enough to get on a train and go halfway across the country because of my word, right?
YOU: Yeah.
LILLY: And since you've been here, all the things I've said have been truth, right?
YOU: Besides calling me "adorable", yes.
LILLY: Subjective truth, that's tangential. Listen. Will you believe you're not going to be hurt because I say so?
YOU: You mean just put faith in you?
LILLY: Yeah.
YOU: I don't know.
LILLY: ._.
LILLY: I think I might have messed up tonight. You trusted me a bunch before and now you're really suspicious of me. I'm sorry that I said all those things before. I wasn't considering your feelings and I made you feel upset and that's not okay, because I really don't want you to be upset.
LILLY: I mean I know I say I like you getting all distressed and stuff because it's really cute, but I don't want you feeling unhappy or miserable. I thought you'd enjoy this like a haunted house or something.
LILLY: Should I just open the front door and let you leave?
YOU: Just
YOU: Give me a moment to think please.
You sit down near the door and slump over, considering the situation and letting the agitation die down, taking deep breaths.
YOU: Alright. You absolutely promise I'll be okay?
LILLY: Absolutely.
YOU: No half-truths?
LILLY: I absolutely swear that no action or inaction I take will be made with the intent to cause bodily or psychological harm.
YOU: Alright, I guess that's just the best I can hope for right now.
LILLY: Okay, so will you calm down? Maybe have a bit of fun?
LILLY: I swear all I want is for you to have a bit of fun.
YOU: I guess. I'll try to not freak out so much.
LILLY: And maybe have fun?
YOU: You and I have very different definitions of fun.
YOU: Stop that.
YOU: Alright. This makes absolutely no sense, but I guess I'll say "no" to the front door option.
LILLY: You'll trust me?
YOU: No, since I fully expect more half-truths, but I'll put this little bit of faith in you.
LILLY: Thank you. I can promise you, full honesty, no half-truths, that by the time you walk out the gates, you won't regret that.
YOU: Yeah yeah, don't lay it on too thick.
LILLY: I like being melodramatic 3:
LILLY: You're no fun at all.
YOU: I know, evil twin and all that.
You slip the phone back into your pocket, then, after a five-second think, pull it back out.
YOU: Hey.
LILLY: Yeah?
YOU: Thanks.
YOU: We have different definitions of fun, but whatever's going on here you obviously put a lot of effort into it and you made me upset but you were willing to just throw it away so that I could feel better.
YOU: And you owned up to the problems.
YOU: So thanks.
YOU: You're still a really, really great friend.
You emerge from the bathroom and head back to the foyer. Something's not right, though. You ponder for a few minutes, before you realize. Your bag is gone.
YOU: Did you steal my things?
LILLY: Alright, are we still on the open honesty thing or can I do a half-truth here at least?
LILLY: This isn't nearly as fun if you have backup clothes! :c
YOU: Lilly please.
LILLY: Argh, I'm still feeling guilty... Can we make it a trade?
YOU: A trade?
LILLY: Bag for hint. It's a real hint this time, I promise.
YOU: Real hint as in "actually valuable for progress" or real hint as in "really hard to figure out"?
LILLY: I'll even just be straightforward about it! No riddles or anything. And I'll give you warnings too. And tell you a bonus hint about how all of this works.
YOU: Wow, really sweetening the deal. Alright, fine, I'll stop haggling. Give me the hint and the bonus hint and we'll call it even.
LILLY: Alright. Your hint is that you've done all you can today, and you're going to have to wait until noon tomorrow to make more progress.
LILLY: And your bonus hint is that the lights always flicker before any of the really good stuff happens. Always, no exceptions that I can think of at all.
YOU: You mean really bad stuff.
LILLY: You're such a negative nancy. Can't you just have a little fun with this?
YOU: :\
LILLY: Look, it's just us here, right?
YOU: I'm only seeing me here, actually.
LILLY: Just trust me on this, I'm in the mansion. But it's just us! Nobody's around to see anything embarrassing. You're not being filmed for some horrible humiliation, you're not being tortured, you're just playing a game with a friend! I know it's not a game you understand or that you've really enjoyed yet, but I promise you can and I think you will soon, if you just let yourself.
YOU: I guess you have a little bit of a point.
LILLY: >:c
LILLY: I have a lot of a point, you're making yourself miserable too you know.
LILLY: Can't you just enjoy this the way you enjoyed that haunted house game?
LILLY: Or at least be open to it?
YOU: I'll think about it.
LILLY: Alright. If you promise to think this over, I'll promise nothing more's going to happen until noon tomorrow.
LILLY: You won't get harassed in the night or anything. Just clear and normal. Mansion all to yourself!
YOU: So, what, you want me to go to sleep?
LILLY: Yeah. You need to sleep all that stress off.
YOU: Really?
LILLY: You've been kinda unhappy since you got here. I think with how stressful the day was before, you weren't in a good mindset for going into this. I guess I should have been more respectful of that, since you told me about it, and held off until you had had a chance to sleep and start a fresh day.
YOU: Alright. Thanks, then, I guess.
LILLY: You go get rest now.
YOU: Any directions you can give me?
LILLY: I can give you directions back to that bedroom you visited.
YOU: No way.
YOU: Stop that.
You spend the next half-hour looking around the mansion for a bedroom. All of them are in varying states of femininity. This is absolutely excessive. Eventually you find one that's only mildly feminine, really rather properly gender-neutral with female-centric furniture, and collapse on the bed. You've been near exhausted since you arrived at the gate of the mansion, and you've only been getting more fatigued as the panic-inducing situations have gone on. But you've still got adrenaline and tension in your system, in spite of the shower and the calming words of your best friend. You won't be able to sleep for a while. It's only worse when the lights flicker again. You snap up in bed, sitting and looking around urgently for activity, but you don't see any. You're breathing quickly and heavily, timidly darting your vision around the room, and then, suddenly, a noise!
A small, quiet puff. A scented candle on an elegant mahogany table next to you has lit, overcoming you with the relaxing scent of lavender. The smell mixes with your own girlishness. You nearly jump out of your skin when the covers under you move out from below, but... They're just making their way, slowly, and gently, over your body. As you let them reach your leg, they even give you a brief, comforting pat on the thigh. A pillow is in motion now, but it's just fluffing itself up and then falling to rest. You look around uncertainly, waiting for more, but all that happens is the lightswitch clicking off softly.
The rational slice of your mind wants to get up and run. The side of you that's spent all of today panicking, screaming, and running, decides it's just had enough. It has Lilly's assurance that you won't be hurt. So you lay down on the pillow that settles beneath you for perfect neck support, let the covers rise over you up to your shoulders, and, eventually succumb to the relaxing scent of the candle. Despite your stress, tension, and past panic, you're out like a light in half an hour. The candle quietly extinguishes itself in a brief puff of wind.
--End Part 2--
Queen's dress: Chpt 2 Part 1
The next day after escaping Queens trap, Tasha, at her hotel suit, takes a quick shower before her trip to the airport. After she finishes bathing, she stands naked before the large mirror in her room.Tasha looks at her nipple jewellery for a moment. The chain rings are a single piece, no clips are visible. She observes the detailed craving on her gold and jewelled chain.I will take them off after I return home. Tasha thinks and she resumes dressing in a hurry. ----------------*----------------*----------------Fifteen minutes later, Dr. Gonne accompanies Tasha to the airport. Having three hours before her flight, Dr. Gonne takes...
Red High Heels Pt 1
This story was inspired by a good friend of mine that wears red high heeled shoes while he works from home.
Please comment below if you like my story.
It started off so innocently, Jim Harris had done his computer job for almost three years, it was March 2020 when he was hired, it was a weird year everyone in his office was working from home, he was the best at what he did, no one could come close to Jim’s output, trouble was Jim could do this job while standing on his head, so boredom was a natural progression.
One day Jim was staring around his living room and noticed that his girlfriend had left a pair of her shoes in the middle of the floor, they looked very sexy lying there with their huge black heel, I wonder what its like for her to wear them, he thought.
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"Ngggggh, huh? Wha...What happened?" A young boy awoke finding himself on the floor of a bedroom looking around.The young boy had blonde hair, blue eyes, was small and a bit scrawny showing no muscles whatsoever. His clothes were raggedy but wore a blue t-shirt with jeans and sneakers. Getting up he dust himself off looking around his head throbbing seeing he couldn't remember how he ended up there in the first place."Where am I? I....I can't remember..." He said looking around.The room was nice almost a bit royal even. A king sized bed with a huge vanity mirror, walk in closet with long rows of clothes. Nice carpet too and chandelier in ...
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I need to stop writing these in the middle of the night.
So this one opens up with something more traditional in terms of pacing and writing for this sort of story, and then, slowly, devolves into my dialogue-riddled subversion and irreverent humor. This is because I don't know how to not ruin a good thing. I'm pretty sure a whole half of this is just Lilly talking with the subject.
But hopefully you enjoy the pseudo-femdom themes of the dialogue, the feminization themes of the first half, and the light introduction of some very minor bondage-y elements. I'm intentionally attempting to emphasize Lilly being an equal mixture of blatantly manipulative and legitimately caring for the subject. If you like a more comforting dom, I guess this is your chapter. Do you commenters like this part of things at all? If you don't, please let me know, I'm seriously considering pushing it further. As with the last story, I encourage comments relevant to my more irreverent humor injections. If you feel like they disrupt flow, please don't hesitate to tell me, I'm trying to puzzle out the borders of how that style can work and I won't know if I've hit the edge unless someone tells me.
NEXT TIME: Even more bad jokes, disregarding of catchphrases, revenge of the second-person narrative, and hopefully a lot fewer chatlogs.
To summarize this work: A second-person part of a story where a nameless male subject deals with a teasing female internet friend named Lilly, who is closely connected to an ongoing domination he experiences from an ambiguous supernatural force, and her efforts to comfort, guide, and mostly to deceive him throughout his explorations of a modern megamansion. It features feminization, light pseudo-femdom, etc.
Previous (First) Chapter
Next Chapter
So this one opens up with something more traditional in terms of pacing and writing for this sort of story, and then, slowly, devolves into my dialogue-riddled subversion and irreverent humor. This is because I don't know how to not ruin a good thing. I'm pretty sure a whole half of this is just Lilly talking with the subject.
But hopefully you enjoy the pseudo-femdom themes of the dialogue, the feminization themes of the first half, and the light introduction of some very minor bondage-y elements. I'm intentionally attempting to emphasize Lilly being an equal mixture of blatantly manipulative and legitimately caring for the subject. If you like a more comforting dom, I guess this is your chapter. Do you commenters like this part of things at all? If you don't, please let me know, I'm seriously considering pushing it further. As with the last story, I encourage comments relevant to my more irreverent humor injections. If you feel like they disrupt flow, please don't hesitate to tell me, I'm trying to puzzle out the borders of how that style can work and I won't know if I've hit the edge unless someone tells me.
NEXT TIME: Even more bad jokes, disregarding of catchphrases, revenge of the second-person narrative, and hopefully a lot fewer chatlogs.
To summarize this work: A second-person part of a story where a nameless male subject deals with a teasing female internet friend named Lilly, who is closely connected to an ongoing domination he experiences from an ambiguous supernatural force, and her efforts to comfort, guide, and mostly to deceive him throughout his explorations of a modern megamansion. It features feminization, light pseudo-femdom, etc.
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After reading part two, I'm suddenly reminded of a joke by Eddie Murphy once told about Amityville Horror. A white family moves in and no matter how bad it gets they stick it out to the end of the movie. Murphy says if it were a black family, as soon as the husband walks in the front door saying how nice the house is and the house said, GIT OUT! The husband said,- Oh, ah, to bad we can't stay! However, I think I'll stick with it and read on.