
Vampire Melody

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Literature Text

Vampire Melody

The vampire is on the hunt for new blood
Cursed to prey on human flesh for eternity
But this vampire is a little different
She is dressed for a masquerade
And she is playing a violin
She is playing with such passion
Tears fall from her eyes
She always plays a haunting piece of music
Before she starts the search for new blood
She has feelings and emotions
She can relate to the pain of her victims
They will join her in this eternal curse
They will hunt together
The music fills her soul
She remembers when she was a mere mortal
And destined to grow old
But she fell in love with a vampire
And her fate was sealed with a kiss
So if you hear beautiful music in the distance
Somewhere close to the local cemetery
Don't be fooled by the haunting melody
It is the sound of death
So run for your life
And avoid the kiss of the vampire
If you hear a haunting melody a vampire may be close at hand and you may find yourself a potential victim. Beware the kiss of the vampire!
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MusicOfTheFallen's avatar
you're totaly good ^^