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Make Us Whole - Dead Space poster



I finally got around to doing a poster for this incredible game.
Even though it has been so long since I last played it this franchise still means a lot to me, however, I still think that it went downhill after the first one and especially after the second.

Quite different from the stuff I made recently but I like it. The poster features Isaac as the center of attention with his trusty plasma cutter in his hand, a necromorph behind him and a backdrop of space with the USG Ishimura. I played around with the border to illustrate the state of mind that Isaac is in through the game.

If you have yet to play this game I strongly recommend it!
Thanks for looking!
Image size
3508x4961px 5.45 MB
© 2015 - 2024 Deluxepepsi
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firerod96's avatar
Love this game. Love this poster. I really like the red tone for the background and the core lights of the helmet and Issac's HUD, great work! :D (Big Grin)