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THE HAPPY EMPLOYEES OF NERV GREET THE COMING OF A NEW YEAR!!! Hoping, as usual, that it isn't the last...

:iconloon2x: Loon as Shinji Ikari
:iconrosiael: El as Asuka Langley Soryu
:iconangstxiety: Chi as Rei Ayanami
:iconbehindinfinity: Jin as Kaworu Nagisa
:icondelurianne: Mic as Misato Katsuragi
:iconkunebitt: Kune as Ryoji Kaji
:iconhideto-niji: Jaimee as Gendou Ikari

sadly, Toji Suzuhara (Miguel aka :iconmerkymerx: ) didn't make it to the party. Probably got into trouble with a rampaging angel-possessed eva.

Photos taken with loon's digicam (because the hi-tech stuff ran out of battery) by random people, but mostly by boss :iconishneak:

"Photo Essay" captions by me. :XD:
This must be the most fun I've had cosplaying ever.

For more images (of the DECENT side of the photoshoot, especially) check out [link]

and watch out for more. :boogie:


Umm...Sorry if this'll take forever to load. I wanted to give it a preview. But it turns out that's not allowed for jpegs anymore. So...patience...

Enjoy! :blowkiss:
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750x5550px 2.38 MB
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Sandtrap's avatar
What precisely did Kaworu do to Shinji in the bathroom?