MLP: Platinum Shadow 1.38 (Sweetie Belle Arc)
Episode 38:
(Sweetie Belle Arc)
Day 4: Final Trial Day (Beginning)
Scene 38.0: Ponyville District Court – Defendant's Lobby No. 1, 8:00 AM, Day 64 of 365
Luster is reviewing the files she gathered from the investigation yesterday and the information gathered up by her friends that she and Blaze couldn’t get in time. After seeing it all and some of it for the first time, she closes the files, takes a deep breath and addresses everycreature in the room.
This is it! I feel like we are ready. So this is what is like to go into a fight that will change the future. “The Calm Before The Storm”…it does feel like it.
(Mild Chuckle)
You get used to it. Thanks to Shadow, I know I have.
Meh! I had seen better.
Yak Loves Getting Goosebumps!
Aniki is doing better, but we need to win this so he can celebrate with us when all of this is over.
Yeah. My Lady? Will the foals be
245 deviations
MLP: Platinum Shadow 1.38 (Sweetie Belle Arc)
Episode 38:
(Sweetie Belle Arc)
Day 4: Final Trial Day (Beginning)
Scene 38.0: Ponyville District Court – Defendant's Lobby No. 1, 8:00 AM, Day 64 of 365
Luster is reviewing the files she gathered from the investigation yesterday and the information gathered up by her friends that she and Blaze couldn’t get in time. After seeing it all and some of it for the first time, she closes the files, takes a deep breath and addresses everycreature in the room.
This is it! I feel like we are ready. So this is what is like to go into a fight that will change the future. “The Calm Before The Storm”…it does feel like it.
(Mild Chuckle)
You get used to it. Thanks to Shadow, I know I have.
Meh! I had seen better.
Yak Loves Getting Goosebumps!
Aniki is doing better, but we need to win this so he can celebrate with us when all of this is over.
Yeah. My Lady? Will the foals be
245 deviations

Art Trade
2 deviations
Dragon Ball UX Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1: The New Blood
Episode 1: Reawakening
"Earth...The 3rd planet from the sun located in a small system in the North Galaxy. At a mere glance it would appear to be just like any other planet in the universe. However in hindsight...It is far more than meets the eye. For Eons I have been dreaming and at the same time, witnessing this world's story of a Young Saiyan being adopted by a kindhearted old man and raised him as his grandson. The 2 of them loved each other just like family even though they weren't of the same race. One night on a full moon, the kind old man learned of the power of the Saiyan and miraculously managed to survive. He learned that this child had a lot of potential and a lot of danger as well. The Old Man was faced with a choice...A choice that normal humans would ask of themselves. As An Ancient Primordial Myself...I would not blame the Old Man in ending the child's life to save his own. However I did not foresee what he would do next...He spared the Young
Cancelled Concepts
3 deviations
Dragon Ball Oneiron Chapter 2.8 (Minus Saga)
Episode 8:
(Minus Saga)
The Battles Of Planet Cereal
Dragon Ball – Scene 8.0: Planet Cereal, Age 734
Phase 1:
Vs. Zarbon
As soon as Mauka and her squad enters Cereal Space, Bardock notices their pods entering the planet; worrying that something might go wrong, he decides to investigate it while he leaves Taro in-charge until he returns. Mauka and the girls arrives on the other side of the planet, a little far off from where Mauka’s Mother, Queen Vegeta (Esharotto) landed as she manages to see her pod from a distance and she desperately starts looking for her. The girls assure her that they will rescue the queen as they start helping to look for her using their beast skills as trackers and do so without drawing attention to themselves from either the Invading Saiyans or the Cerealians and Namekians. Upon arriving at the spot that Mauka supposedly spotted, Queen Vegeta looks around in worry as she fears something might have happened to her daughter. Suddenly her scouter goes off as
Dragon Ball Oneiron
55 deviations
Ken The Slayer Chapter 1.10
Episode 10:
The Literal Great Reset Era
Scene 10.0: Port Town Anthon, Ship Docks (The Circe’s Fury Pirate Ship Deck), 22:00, Monday December 17th, Year 2998 Of The Maximilian Calendar
Phase 1:
Vs. The Pirate “King”
MOMO (Adult)
Lv.200 Gunslinger Princess Devil
HP: 99999/99999 (Limit Broken), MP 9999/9999 (Limit Broken), Max Stats (Limit Broken)
Special Ability: Crimson Frenzy
Lv.200 Pirate “King”
HP: 99999/99999 (Limit Broken), MP 9999/9999 (Limit Broken), Max Stats (Limit Broken)
Special Ability: Crimson Mayhem
As MOMO (Adult) and Sigmary stare each other down with a sinister smile towards across their faces, the Crimson Frenzy points her gun at the Pirate “King” as everyone is scared of what will happen next except for Roux who is excited to see her daughter getting reunited with her Childhood “Friend”.
MOMO (Adult):
(Evil Sneer, Pointing Gun At Sigmary's Head)
Good To See You Again, Mary-Tan. Allow me to thank you for helping me…by
Ken The Slayer
12 deviations
MLP: Platinum Shadow - Prologue (Teaser)
Prologue: Stardust Memory In a village hidden away in the north, secluded from Yakyakistan, the Crystal Empire as well as all of Equestria; the Crystal Ponies there are in great sorrow as an iconic member of their home, a One-Winged Pegasus with beautiful Stars and Glitters as a Cutie Mark passes onto the next life on that day and an Alicorn colt no older than 9 with a beautiful shining, silver-metallic mane and a coat as black as the night mourns her passing even greater than anypony. In his sorrow on his right flank, a Cutie Mark appears and it shocks them all as the Cutie Mark resembles that of the Princess of Friendship: Princess Twil...
MLP: Platinum Shadow
55 deviations
The Immortal's Vanity And The Beast of Death
A long time ago, when the time of the Pantheon Of the Gods ruled over the world, there was an immortal who would brag and boast on how "Perfect", "Beautiful", "Invisible" and "Unkillable" he is, he would challenge any and all to prove him wrong. The Immortal was challenged in anything from Fighting Wars to killing monsters, the Immortal always wins and any and all injuries he sustained would heal overnight without a scar as it never happened. As time went on, the Immortal grew bored by being challenged by mere mortals that he went so far as to curse the gods for being silent on challenging to the point he has committed heresy towards the g...
One-Shot Stories
2 deviations
The Pizza Guy of Planet Aries - Chapter 1.3
Part 3: My First Delivery
Scene 3.0: City of Joy Hermes (Aftermath)
The City of Joy Hermes. A land where everyone led a normal peaceful life devoid of the War Economy, one of the few Cities on Aries that managed to break away from it all, but in doing so made it susceptible to for invasion. No matter how well trained its soldiers are and how impregnable their defenses were, it was not enough to save it. As the Soldiers from the Order of the Serpent are forcibly enslaving the people of Hermes, a group of these soldier is dragging a man that resembles a high ranking general and holds him in front a man wearing a purple business suit, a purple keffiyeh and a black agal, dark skin and a stylish long goatee as he is peeling a fruit that resembles a peach using a golden jeweled dagger with a long stylish curved platinum blade.
Governor Of Hermes:
JANU! You filthy--
(Peeling Fruit)
No need for name calling, governor. We are all men of high prestige...we are above petty
The Pizza Guy of Planet Aries
5 deviations
Strawberry Hearts - Strawberry 1.4
Episode 4: Symptoms And Side Effects
Scene 4.0: Earnest Residence, 6:19, Monday October 3rd
In his room, Delsin wakes ups and he notices that Makoto isn't by his bed which means she slept all night in her room.
"GREAT! WONDERFUL!! PERFECT!!! First the Red Cloaked Man, Then the Black Clown And now a Rabid Wild Woman By the name of "Haman". The Red Cloak Man wants me to help Sensei and 3 other women. The Black Clown wants me to be a shaggy swinger. And Haman wants me to be a gentleman, but she trust me as far as she can snipe me with a PSG-1 Sniper Rifle with no Scope and not even focus aiming at point blank range. I piss her off...and my picture would be on every milk carton in the whole planet. Anyways...6:19. Sensei should still be sleeping in her room. Might as well get my act together and go wash up."
Thinking that she might still be asleep, Delsin heads to the bathroom only to surprisingly stumble upon Makoto right as she is steps out of the bath completely naked with her towel
Strawberry Hearts
5 deviations
SWAT Kats: Chaotic Alliance 4.9 (Turmoil Arc 0)
Episode 9:
(Turmoil Arc 0)
SWAT Kats Vs. Turmoil Round 3
Scene 9.X: Manx Municipal Park, 9:30, Wednesday January 12th
[Phase 1: Conflict]
As Wily introduces Turmoil as the one that will be leading the Assault on both the SWAT Kats and Megakat City, The SWAT Kats along with Eris have just finished analyzing the E-Series Fighter Jets Wily have given his militia as well as the Silver Moon Warship, but unknown to them, Fangoria is completely aware that Eris scanned everything, but decided to ignore it because she believes that even if the SWAT Kats knows all about the E-Series and the Silver Moon, the KLMT is so heavily shielded, scanning it is impossible which is Wily’s Ace-In-The-Hole.
Eris! Wily just finished “Stroking Of His Ego”. What do you have for us?
Those Fighters are Known as the “E-Series”. These models were given to both the UGF Military and Law Enforcement. The Common Name for these
SWAT Kats: Chaotic Alliance
103 deviations
The Tale of Youkou: Naruto's Secret Student 0
My Final Goodbye to Naruto-Sensei "It's been too long hasn't it, Naruto-Sensei? I still remember my harsh time surviving on my own. After my village was ravaged during the Fourth Great Ninja War...A dirty little orphan struggling to survive. (Sad Chuckle) Who wasn't an orphan during that turbulent time!? I didn't care for anything or anyone just my own survival. I was just minding my own business wandering from one area to the next and before I knew it...I stumbled upon your fight with Madara Uchiha. I was hooked. I couldn't look away. I wanted to run away...but for some reason...for the first time in my life I had the choice to...
The Tale of Youkou: Naruto's Secret Student
1 deviation