delta7Xx's avatar


119 Watchers134 Deviations

Imbalance by delta7Xx, literature

bitch by delta7Xx, literature

forgiveness by delta7Xx, literature

mist by delta7Xx, literature

ideas by delta7Xx, literature

back to the future by delta7Xx, literature

See All

Imbalance by delta7Xx, literature

bitch by delta7Xx, literature


Deviation Spotlight

  • May 15, 1995
  • United States
  • Deviant for 11 years
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (520)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
My Bio

I believe whatever path one chooses in life is their own choice. God created this universe, but he is not dictating your every move. This is a gift and a burden. Your choices, be they good or bad, or somewhere in between, are yours and yours alone.

Favourite Visual Artist
anything with beauty and/or meaning. im not picky
Favourite Movies
umm... battleship was pretty good. theres 100 things wrong with it, but it was fun to watch.
Favourite TV Shows
not many... have to go with top gear
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
acdc, im not huge in music, but classic rock is ok
Favourite Books
books by james patterson, orson scot card, timothy zhan, at least half a dozen others.
Favourite Writers
see favorite books
Favourite Games
minecraft, battleships forever, colony attack, various obscure RTS games
Favourite Gaming Platform
ps3, windows7, kindle fire
Other Interests
rideing atvs, i have just a little bit of red neck in my blood
The glaring light from the sun shone, visible beams of it&#039;s radiance visible in the plumes of mist against the deep, dark backdrop of space like a sunbeam shining through a window, illuminating motes of dust on an early morning. A new plume of sizzling mist was released every few seconds from the looming vessel, a blue-gray twisted amalgamation of steel gridders, soupcan shaped habitat modules, and countless bulbous and rigid structures of all sizes, constructed crudely from plating, concealing and protecting the vulnerable drive system and fuel stores contained within.Standing alone amongst the disorderly mess of a vessel was a single poi...
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i&#039;m not even joking, seriously, this is pure geniusbowl of macaroni and cheese (preferably shells) + the powered flavoring packet from instant ramenget a cheap box of macaroni and cheese, and a cheap bag of instant ramen. make the macaroni and cheese normally (although i&#039;d like to try boiling it in next time,) then sprinkle just a little bit of the powered flavoring packet into it, careful not to put too much, the stuff is potent. just a light dusting should do. now mix it all in, and enjoy the most delicious meal you can possibly imagine making in under 10 minutes and for less than $3.p.s.     i swear i&#039;m not that drunk at the time of wri...
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schrodinger&#039;s cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by austrian physicist erwin schrodinger in 1935. it illustrates what he saw as the problem with determining the gender of various potential trap anime characters. the scenario represents a character that may or may not have a penis, therefore may simultaneously have a penis and no penis, in a state known as quantum superposition. the thought experiment is often featured in online forum debates about which potential anime traps have a penis and which do not. -Schrodinger, Hells...
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:icondweebdanceplz::iconbuttdanceplz::iconmiguelplz::la::heart::iconballoonsplz::la: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Thanks for the fave^^
"If someone, somewhere, does not think that we're extreme and possibly dangerous to society, it's because we're unforgivably boring."
Happy birthday!! :iconcakeplz::iconballoonsplz:
thanks! i appreciate it!

Hope you have a great day!