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deliriumdreamer3's avatar

Obsessive much?



So, this is my current college housing facility. I have about 5 ft of space that I can call mine, so I made it so. I wanted to make a clear message to any and all roommates of mine that I am a fangirl (to try to scare them off). Sadly, my roommate moved in, noticed the Sephiroth poster on the bathroom door, and squeed at my side of the room. Turns out that my new roommate is an otaku, too.

In this picture:
- a B.A. Zack Fair wall scroll,
- a half-nekkid drawing of Tidus (thanks to ~Ata-Chan)
- stuffed moogle (still doesn't have a name, we just call him "kupo")
- outdated roller coaster calendar
- Lion King postcard
- Tidus poster
- Leon (Squall from KH) poster
- Sora & Riku poster
- Squall x Rinoa poster
- Lenne x Shuyin poster
- Cloud/Sephiroth pillow
- 5 Dissidia figures (Tidus, Squall, Warrior of Light, Zidane, Cloud)
- Squall figure
- Cloud Strife figure (Advent Children)
- Yuna figure
- Cloud Strife figure (FFVII)
- Tidus figure
- Sora figure
- Zack Fair figure
- Auron figure
- Vincent Valentine figure
- KH 358/2 / BBS poster
- various pics of friends
- Pajama bag Simba
- Choco-banana Pocky and of course,
- Killer (all of my friends know his importance)

*inspired by *Colt-kun
Image size
1000x750px 85.34 KB
FinePix Z10fd
Shutter Speed
1/64 second
Focal Length
6 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Mar 13, 2009, 6:08:04 PM
© 2010 - 2024 deliriumdreamer3
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TheSongstressLenne's avatar
Wow! You seem like a real fan!
Maybe you could help me????
I have been looking everywhere because multiple fans told me that there was a Lenne action figure, but I can't find it! Do you know anything about it?
(cool room!)