Mobile Wallpapersdeleket on DeviantArt

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deleket's avatar

Mobile Wallpapers



something for christmas. im not sure if you dig this stuff but i hope you can find some use for it. this is actually the other side of my work where i design simple graphics and texts as wallpapers for mobile phones.

this is a free download and im uploading some 35 simple designs in 300x400 px size. it fits se k610 and w800 models. works fine on my k750 as well. i dont have nokia units to test this graphics but im pretty sure it will work as well since its only a JPEG.

these are only samples from the thousands we made for fevermobile. [link] launching very soon and they will offer more stuff aside from wallpapers. probably tones, icons, themes, screensavers, games and even software.

full preview here. [link]

enjoy and merry christmas
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