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A Letter to the King



I was rereading that old fanfic I wrote a while back about what happens with Legolas just before the Council of Elrond. I should really finish it; I like it a lot, but I left my books in my dorm and so I can't obsessively cross-reference everything like I usually do when I write. Anyway, I was going to do a picture of Legolas gallantly charging into battle or something, but this popped up instead. This is a few days after the Council meeting, when he's writing a letter home saying that he won't be back for a while...

Dear Mum and Dad,
How are you? How are Thalion and Elemmire? How was the mid-summer feast? Did Istuion drink too much again?
Things here in Imladris are swell. I'm meeting lots of nice people. That Elrond can really throw a banquet.
Oh, and also, I'm going with Gandalf and some of my new friends to Mordor in a few weeks. We have to destroy a ring or something. Not sure when I'll be back.
Love, Legolas

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Last post of 2007 guys!
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© 2007 - 2024 Deisi
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Absolutely perfect!!! :D (Big Grin)