Random Volitations 85 - Bad Juice pt. 3Deimonian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deimonian/art/Random-Volitations-85-Bad-Juice-pt-3-487227531Deimonian

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Random Volitations 85 - Bad Juice pt. 3



last one in the three parter! well that was anti-climatic.

i've been slacking a whole bunch lately, BUT i've just bought Mountain, a game people claim is not a game more like a minimal interaction screensaver, but that fine, it's calm and nice and it only requires me to look at it once in a while and look at the new stuff that's crashed into my mountain, like horses and frisbees, and maybe pie, from space. what i'm saying is, i can draw and play a game at the same time.

also the new tagging system is still confusing me, what the heck.

:iconnox-exclaimplz: you can read the Random Volitations comic on my website! sometimes the twitter plugin works! Random Volitations on deimonian.net
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