Populous: The Beginning - blue tribe shaman's maskDeimonian on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deimonian/art/Populous-The-Beginning-blue-tribe-shaman-s-mask-496706422Deimonian

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Deimonian's avatar

Populous: The Beginning - blue tribe shaman's mask



does the blue tribe that you play have a name? the other three tribes does, so you'd think so, but i've never seen anyone refer to the blue tribe with a name.

i drew this a whole while back but i just forgot about it until recently :P

internet still isn't stable, it seems stable enough to potentially upload this without screwing up, so maybe it'll be better tonight for when RV is supposed to go up. we're having a guy come look at it at some point so it'll hopefully be completely fixed soon, might be days before he decides to have time to show up, though.
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685x660px 648.8 KB
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mocari's avatar
It was never given a name. Some people call it Ikani but it's a player-given name.

I like how you made the feathers.