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NYR'13 day 365 - the end



day 365 of trying not to suck, aka the last day of NYR'13.

and that was that year gone. i said there'd be pretty colours and shit :P

i don't feel like making an improvement meme or a journal about the year because it doesn't seem like it's worth anything other than to showcase how i fuck simple things up and occasionally make something i'm somewhat satisfied with. but i've learned a bunch of stuff; i can draw hands if i take my time instead just drawing whatever (terrifying spider fingers), i have a better understanding of anatomy although still pretty terrible (and combined with perspective, urgh), i still suffer from my animu days by drawing giant heads and long horse face syndrome but i can definitely work on that, referencing is okay although i'm still pretty stubborn when it comes to that, turn of .flux when you paint, and a bunch of other stuff i can't think of right now. recap is basically; it was an okay year, 7 out of 10, would do again if i didn't feel like crap.

i'm not doing any drawing or painting related New Year Resolution in 2014, there are other things i need to take care of in the new year, such as not being a worthless, unemployed bum.

:iconnox-exclaimplz: you can read the Random Volitations comic on my website! WOLOLO! because i never got a chance to say that this year! Random Volitations on
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© 2013 - 2024 Deimonian
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DarwinsDomain's avatar
WOW this has some smashing impact!